hey there everybody was just wondering how everybody thinks about the new ANSI regulation that is to be implemented in november for all Firefighter, EMS and Law Enforcement. I just want to see what everyone thinks of it

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You know something....I was going to blast you off your high ass...but decided that you can't teach the ignorant a damn thing....for your information in this country approximately 90% of fire protection is provided by "Vollies"...Yes, I am a "Vollie" and damn proud of it....Remember....I do what many do and do this WITHOUT getting paid...!!! I don't give a rats ass about your experience...experience doing things stupid doesn't rank very high in my book...I suppose Chief Brunacini doesn't have much experience either...hell he wrote most of those books that you obviously cannot read....Have a nice day and hopefully you will be safe....Paul
Are you kidding me?? Alan...you name a guy who is not known for his firefighting but for his ICS. In other words, he was a desk jockey. This is all you have, guess what, we have been doing ICS for over 300 years, just the terminology was different. For your Info, vollies cover about 80% of the country and protect roughly 20% of the population. In this job experience is everything, when you go to fires you learn, when you learn you become better at your job, you become better at your job by going to fires and calls, so yes....experience is everything. Any joker can sit here and post opinions based on what articles they read, when you can back it up with real life experience come back and talk, till then keep your pie hole shut!!
Properly positioning the apparatus AND wearing a hi-viz vest will increase your chances for safety when at a roadway incident! It's not a freakin car proof vest for christ's sake, of course you're not 100% safe. We're never 100% safe in this job! But a vest, along with other safety measures will INCREASE your safety! How smart do you have to be to want to be a little safer on the job? WTF?
NO hood, NO vest... Are you still wearing 3/4 boots and a long rubber coat too? And for the record, neither a fire nor a stupid motorist gives a rusty f*ck how much experience you've got. They'll both kill you. Stay safe!
Have 300 years experience...??? Well that makes you 300 plus years old or totally full of crap....Hmmmm wonder which one is correct....I see by your profile that you are with Boston Fire...??? I wonder what their "policies" are and if they are aware that you are above the rest of the country...??...You are not part of the solution but rather part of the problem....My 1st Chief told me once to "Stay away from anyone that comes across like they know everything...they would get me killed." Well my misguided friend...You have proven his point...Not only do I repect you less for what you have said here...But I am thankful that I don't have to go in with you....you cannot be trusted with anothers life if you cannot take care of yourself...one day , if you continue as is, someone is going to have to go in and pull your butt out...I hope to wake up well before that happens.......Paul ps...Note that I didn't get personal or nasty in myreply (I wanted to...but I am more PROFESSIONAL than that)
Brian, you all have missed the point. The point is, how much tax payers money went into this? I am so sick and tired of these small little do nothing regs getting pushed on us when we as a fire service have far more important issues. Here is a question, how many ff have been killed at the scene of an MVA when the truck was blocking the roads correctly? I looked...found none. The money used to pass this needles reg and then to purchase the proper vest Could be used to better train/ equip our members.
Hey Dave...I just had an interesting note....Do you know a guy by the name of MacCurtain....? Or maybe one named Fraser..? Seems that going without FULL PPE is not an option in Boston...and neither is the vest issue....seems the "Feet on the street, vest on your chest" goes there also.......Paul
On you I bet it would be HOT.... 8)...Stay safe Sister........Paul
Actually brian, in day time hr's FR pants and work boot fitted me well, at night the 3/4 boots slipped on easier. Stopped wearing them back in November when the dept forced us back into full bunkers. My dept did a study on bunker pants and full PPE. Found that before Bunker pants we (city of Boston) had a 4% burn rate, with bunker pants we had a 4% burn rate, but our heat stress injuries sky rocketed. They gave us the option towear or not wear our bunker pants. For about 5 years I didnt wear anything but FR pants and a long coat with work boots. I Suffered zero burns,as a dept the burn rate stayed the same and our heat stress injuries dropped. Hmmm...this was actullay backed by a highly regarded university but the NFPA squashed there report before it coud be published.

Yes, i do understand that my dept gets alot help quick and we are able to contain fires quickly, but I can tell you my EXPERINCE with and without bunker pants. I like bunkers in the winter, but in the summer....FR pants are fine with me.

Thats right, fire dont care what you are wearing, but why does it seem to find those with hoods more frequently?? Hmm, could it be there lack of EXPERIENCE and the fact that they are hindered from feeling the heat?? HHmmmm....I still like my experience, I think I'll stick with that.

Have a nice day
What about LT. Scott Guillen from the Chicago F.D.? He was killed when a drunk driver went around the apparatus (that by all accounts WAS properly placed) and crushed him against the center divider. Many FF's have been injured because a motorist went around a properly placed aparatus! As far as taxpayer money being spent on this, I'd rather have my taxes spent on things to keep me safe on the job than some of the other B.S. political projects out there.
Paul please, my dept has been doing ICS in there own form for over 300 years...sorry you couldnt see that!! Aparently when I said "WE HAVE BEEN" you couldnt put that together.

My policies?? My policies are being done as we speak by the members of the BFD, so yeah...I am sure they are aware. We dont do anything differently then other depts our size and have our call volume.

Your first chief is right, the difference between you and I, I have been there. Do i know it all, nope not even close. I only reply on what I know, unlike most on here. I have read many postm shook my head then looked at the profile...it explains alot.

Paul, say what you want, the facts are the facts. you dont have a clue about what your talking about. Your the one that your chief was talking about. throwing your opinions around on this and other subjects with nothing to back your opinions up with. I comment and place my opinions on subjects that i have hands on experience with. Unlike most that post here, you included!!

HAve a nice night.
Yes paul I do know them, as of today..no vest. Like I said in my last post, they told us to wear the bunkers back in November. Oh, and for your record's we still dont have hoods, so I guess we still suck in your mind!

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