I've seen lots of Companies, Squads, and such that have sayings on their apparatus. Like FDNY has "Midtown Madness" for Ladder Co. 24/Engine Co. 1, or "Never Missed A Performance" on Engine 54 and "Pride of Midtown" on Ladder 4. What is your company/squad motto or what do you have written on your apparatus?

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We are a few blocks from our sister company and up a hill so we have.."The Boys on the Hill"
On our ladder truck on the both the tiller doors and the front doors of our truck, our symbol is Garfield the cat. Out motto on the front of our truck is The Elite.
My depts Motto is "A Few Serving Many". I guess because there are about 30 of us serving 16 square miles. Our trucks are labled different names. Squad 15 our Heavy Rescue is labeled "Independence"; Engine 5 "Terminator" (this is due to it being our main response Engine); Engine 4 "Awesome"; Brush 15 "The Energizer" (This is a 1981 GMC Brush Truck. It is called the Engerizer because it is an automatic but when you drive it you have to actually shift gears. We have tried everything to blow the engine but nothing seems to work). We also have an ATV Search and Rescue trailers and ATVs, An Open Water and Underwater Response team but really dont have any names or mottos for the vehicles. if you want to check them out our site is www.marmacfiredept.com
We don't have an actual motto, but we do have a picture on the side of our truck... It's Taz riding a tornado
When I joined my co the motto was "JACK OF ALL TRADES" Because we did everything water rescues, fires, extractions etc but now we are known as "THE CROSSTOWN EXPRESS" becouse we can get from one side of the city to the other before anybody can get a chance to call in service
We are the 'fightin 28' and we also have the saying in the station '28, we roll deep'.
Engine 3 'Pride of the West Side"
Company 9 "That Others May Live"
we have a company motto which was thought of in the last few years we just became to be known as "The house of pain" just because of our history of being one of the busiest houses in the county.
We have "Rollover Capital" because we have 3 major highways in our district.
Clinton Maryland VFD - Home of the chrome.

Eng 251 - Supreme Pumper
Eng 255 - Superior Pumper
Water Supply 25 - Premier Pumper
Old WS 25 (1976 Kenworth) - Support Pumper
Morningside VFD - Maryland

Working the Southside

Engine 271 - Pride of Morningside across the front and

the rear compartment has:
The Desire to Serve
The Courage to Act
The Ability to Perform

Tailboard has "If you cant run with the Big Dogs, Stay on the porch!!
Allentown Road VFD -Maryland

Southside Fire Factory

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