As a training coordinator, I try to remain responsive to our membership's needs in terms of what type of training seminars they want or need.

I'd like to know....what training classes would you consider a "must attend"....what are the hot topics that aren't being covered in your area (Let's look past FF1, FF2 and Evoc) --is online training the new answer?
Is there a topic that's been "done to death"?

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How about recruitment, retention and leadership solutions?

I know a great presenter...
I know....I know.....I know........

Still have a few pans in the fire.....did you ever put together that packet I'll need if I can get it jumpstarted?
Great topic, I need to think about this one. It works well for me right now as I finalize this years schedule. I know one thing that has been beat to death around here...RIT. I know it is of supreme importance, but it gets tons of attention while basic (and not-so-basic) topics are minimized. The voices in my head say "Please, make them stop" :)
Hello, I am a member of FASNY, however I am not very active..... I am currently a member of career department that frowns on the volunteer sector, but I am changing departments soon and hope to be more active. My feelings are as long as the standards are the same career and volunteer, then we should all get along.....
Survival classes
Scene Support Operation
Online classes to me are not the way to train, you need the instructor, the student is going to need an answer and one of the other firefighters is going to take them in the wrong direction, or they will forget the question when the instructor is present.. If the instructor leaves their number this could be wrong, as the instructor may have their head somewhere else and give them wrong answers. We are starting to get to automataed, just like when you call the Dr's office or some other business, if this is about such and such push "1" and so on, this is how training is headed, I sure hope not. To me one on one is the only answer.
Firefighter Safety and Survival
The Art of Reading Smoke (Dave Dodson)
Officer Training programs ( Simulations, Tactics classes, all tailored to your FD)
HI Bob,
We've pretty much covered Highway Safety and Scene Support to a fare-thee-well. It's been a three-year initiative with classes all over New York State and back (and I should know....I've gotten lost in every small town in every county in the state...."hmmm.....that cow looks familiar..." )
Re: Online training---what would you say if you could get six hours of your OSHA training online, at your convenience?
What do you mean by political survival exactly.....are you talking about internally within the department? Town Board relations? Funding?
The PR aspect is being covered this spring by FASNY in four locations state-wide. We're offering a Public Information Officers training seminar starting in February.
Any thoughts or direction on the Community Needs Assessment/Consumer Value?
Hey Ted,
We might have done something like this before, but if we did, it was a LONG time ago.
I sent your comments verbatim to our Committee Chair to put on the table for discussion at convention....we should probably sneak in a basic overview of grant writing while we're at it.
Thanks--great idea.
I think basic human relations and communications skills training is essential.

As I've said before, the majority of challenges we face are back at the firehouse - not on the fire scene. Too often we forget how to treat people with common decency. Until we establish a minimum standard as to how we're going to talk to and treat each other, with the same level of respect we would give to meeting a stranger on the street for the first time, we'll continue to lose people who won't (and shouldn't) tolerate being treated poorly.

There's plenty of material already out there to draw from: Rick Lasky, Dale Carnegie, Rudy Guiliani, Kim Alyn, etc. Rockland County is establishing a leadership academy. Let's find out what they're doing.

Once firefighters are able to establish a baseline for how they're going to address their fellow firefighters, then we can move on to effective supervisory skills. The NFA already offers a course for that.

As Chief Harry Carter always says, "Before you can be a good leader, you need to learn to be a good follower."

Rather than reinventing the wheel, perhaps FASNY could sponsor regional outreach of some of the pertinent NFA courses so that they also count towards college and EFO credit.

We need to reinstill character, integrity, civility, respect and decency in America. What better place to start than in the fire service?

Crazy talk, I know...
Here once our members get their FF2 & HAZMAT Awareness, we start getting them certified as EMT-B, HAZMAT OPS, FAE (fire apparatus engineer), TRS Awareness, and Roadway Extrication to name a few. As far as training for drill nights, we've done ground ladders, self rescue, aerial ops, search and rescue, collapse rescue, vehicle extrication, etc... Hope this helps.
Hi Mary Ellen,

I am not a FASNY member but after reading through some of your responses to this post, what about a Leadership I,II,III from NFA outreached locally? or a Fire Officer I&II?

As for some of your members saying RIT has been beat to death, well some are right. It seems to be the new focus of training as of late. I am a RIT instructor and what I am finding is a few things that have not been addressed in our RIT objectives, and left for local policies.

1. Moves, drags and carries of a downed firefighter, self rescue, all tactical stuff. Not much strategic focus on how RIT can be an asset to our fireground, before and during an incident. RIT responsibilites, personal assignments and functions to speed deployment and rescue. FETC seminar - Implementing the RIT.

2. Very little to NO management training on how to manage a mayday when it occurs from a Command staff point of view. FETC seminar - Mayday Management for Incident Command.

After delivering these to some departments who did a certified RIT class, feedback has been positive and some feel that without the seminar, they would not have been as proficient or ready to respond.



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