Kurt Russel or John Travolta?

Backdraft has always been my favorite movie. Come on, who can forget when that movie first came out, All the "wackers" coming to movie theatre with there pagers one, knowing that they are out of their district, dragged the love ones to see it and they didn't want to. And who can not forget the famous line of the movie, "You go, We go!"


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So Far... 20 votes for Backdraft 32 votes for Ladder 49
Thanks Ariel for the update! I was starting to get bog down with work.
backdraft was the shit but ladder49 was better.
You have to go with the classic... Backdraft will always rule over ladder 49. yea somethings in backdraft we all know would or could not ever happen but that is hollywood. my vote is definately for Backdraft.
i have to say ladder 49, i liked both but ladder 49 just hit me and alot of guys i work with close
and i mean whats a good qoute from backdraft?
Backdraft is my favorite! Ladder 49 was good but if you didn't pay attention it was easy to get lost.
I got to see Fireproof at the Fire Convention in Macon, GA. It is a must see. It is a chick flick from a man's point of view. It is so awesome. It is a must see! It is a movie that will make a huge change in your life.
If you were to ask me this question prior to being in the fire service I would've said Backdraft. As mentioned earlier, it does have some great actors with great characters. However, watching Backdraft now is like watching a training video on not what not to do while on a fire scene. Ladder 49 has my vote due to the fact that it gives a very real look inside our worlds while being much more accurate to our job pratices. We have our family at home, and then we have our family at the (fire)house. We do our jobs well by using facts, knowledge and experience while we apply it to the situation at hand. To me the writer(s) of Ladder 49 took that same approach when they wanted to produce a realistic movie script.
(whisper) Cat ask him , how can you have a warehouse fire without the smoke like the one in backdraft .
Kurt Russel for sure.. John yea good actor and all but not mister fireman to me... Kurt on the other hand hummmmm for being a fireman...
I liked them both. But if I have to choose, I'd have to say Ladder 49.

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