Our two cats figured out long ago that when a call comes in they'd better move. Whether they're playing lap cat or bed buddy, when the pager speaks and we start moving they just disappear.

How many of you have pets that are likewise "trained" to get out of the way when the tones drop?

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same here. He knows the tones, and when the QuikCall activates, he runs for under the bed. It's amazing how quick they figure it out.
haha so does that mean you lumber to the door too?Hey you said he lumbers and that he follows you to the door.

Umm our dog is dumber than a fxcking stump...she runs around in panic and will get under my feet,which is bad because I'm young so i run like heII!
My Dalmatian lets me know the pager is going off, I leave it on vibrate and set it on the nightstand. As soon as it starts she's up howling! I believe it's a good thing because I'd sleep through an atomic bomb!
My two cats both know the tones as well... To the point that they will move for fire tones but not for rescue tones (I only do fire these days).

They also really dislike the thing... If I set it down on a table they will jump up and very deliberately knock it on the floor. I guess that shows what they think of a device that can mess up their plans!!
One of our members has a dog, Labrador mix (Blackie), that of course howls when the siren goes off. But he also has an ear for the tones; one day I was watching him when a neighboring department was dispatched. Their first tone is identical to ours, and he whipped his head around to look at the radio when that first tone started up. I don't know why I was surprised by that but I was.

He used to love riding in the first or second out truck and was a kind of pain to try to move over on the seat. Forget about pulling him out to get a second rider in, HE was GOING. Ol' Black can't catch the rig anymore, he's too old and arthritic to jump up into the trucks. Probably just as well, since now we'd have to worry about him being belted in.

Sorry for the aside.
My two cats know what a pager going off does, they both disapear at speed when it sounds.
The youngest, (who is "my" cat) will chew on the casing when not watched and will accidently knock it off the bed. (He gave up lying on it when it went off, with him on it).
ive gotta bull dog whos kinda the station mascot so he runs to the door and barks while i get ready then he goes and sits at the station but i didnt even teach him he just does it its awsome
my dog also knows the tones for my department and a neighboring department.when the tones go off for my deparment she gets to the side and watches me run out the door.she even knows the order of the tones for the county wide pager test on sunday evening,and when it gets close to ours tones,her ears perk up and she just gives me this look that says please not again. lol
When the pager goes off you either move or youre getting mowed over.Most of the time my dogs are in the way and I have to step over them but they usually know i'm coming through and they step aside to avoid this from happening.
Try getting out the door with two big dogs ready to tag along and a cat who looks for any opportunity to escape. It is a zoo sometimes but it is fun. We also have a siren that goes off at noon and one of our dogs will howl with it.
lol our cat is used to the tones not once he hears the pager go off and we start moving around he knows to get out of the way, He is pretty smart.
I hav e a pug & a cockapoo & when my tones drop, especially on the scanner, they look at me to see if I'm getting up. If I do, they run to their crates so I can lock them in before I leave. If they hear the first part of the tones drop, but it's for a different dept, they look at me like why ain't I moving? I never trained them this way, but glad they know when it's time to run.

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