If you have been in FF1 or 2 and pass do you think it is Important for others on your department to do the same?

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Here in Florida they made it mandatory for volunteers to get FF1. My wife and are both going through it now. We've both learned alot. I've been doing this longer than she has and I've learned things that I didn't know. So yes I think others in my department and other volunteer departments should take it.
It is in our by-laws that you must have these classes within 3 years of getting into the dept.. What is the point of getting into the dept. if you are not ready to step up and take these.. These are the fundmentails of firefighting... Then after that it is on scene learning... The problem is that the classes are so long it is hard to get people to take these classes with people working 2 jobs and trying to take care of their family,but all in all very important.. To know what fire is made of and how to stop it...
Yes I do. Our department is a rural department that is also contracted by a major city to cover some of there area. Our S.O.P.'s stae that if you are to enter any burning structure, or any hot zone you must be certified level one. The purpose is this is that you receive much more knowledge from being trained by instructors at a fire academy than you can by inhouse trianing. I am a father of 4 and a firefighter. I would much prefer some one who is ceretified by an accrediated school back me on a line than someone who is in house trained. I want to go home after every call.
I have to admit that when I started back in the days it was called essentails. My son is 19 and has taken ff1 wow what a difference in the training they get now and what i got back in the days..I now have the experiance so I feel confident on the fire scene,been in alot of structures.. My son got better training ,but now needs to get experiance.... I think FF1 and FF2 is a must for all firemen..
Forgive me for being ignorant, but how long does it take then to get FF1 certified?
My son started in SEPT and finished in DEC.... He loved it and that was Clasees twice a week and sometimes SAT...
Hmm good question but like most things there are 2 sides to it, education and training (big backer of that) is important and never not needed, but at same time there are thins not for everyone or can be a individuls choice on a class taken, not everyone wants to be FAST/RIT certified not all want to be Tech rescue level some just want to be Fire 1 and whatever required classes needed i.e. cpr so on.
Fire 1 and 2 needs to be combined and made one and fire 3 the added class.
In Nova Scotia its a 17 month course
The class my wife and I are is a 160 hour course. We've been in it since April and it's suppose to be over in October. But that's having classes once or twice a week and some Saturdays.

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