hey i just became a junior firefighter and i want to know if anyone has any advice for me or tips .... if anybody has any let me know and please add me.. cuz i'm also new on here 2 and i want to get some friends to.

P.S. I'm closing this disscussion but if u want u can leave your tip in a comment on my page.

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welcome. the only advice i can give is ask questions. take all the training and hands on that you can. try to learn from those who have been around for a while. remember every firefighter is apart of an extended family. stay safe from nc.
The best advice I can give you is to train as much as possible.Also,don't be in the fire service for yourself.Like it has been said,this is a Brotherhood and Sisterhood.The other firefighters need to know they can trust you also.Learn as much as you can.I have been in the fire service for 13 yrs and trust me,it is an on going learning process.If a class comes up that you have already taken before then take it again if it is possible.That will keep your mind fresh on what to do in certain situations.Also,just to help you out,my son is a memeber here too.Search under members for hammerhead.He is our JR FF chief at our department he can give you some pointers too.He learned the hard way with me being his Capt. and his Dad.....LOL.Good luck and stay safe. You Go/We Go
that second sentance includes everyone except billy!
trainging dude thats gonna be your best friend ive been and explorer for 6 months and im already geting explorer captain or head explorer i do EVERY thing they ask me to do i spend time at the station goin over packs and trucks and shit to make sure i know where everything is on the truck and if you get a chance to go to any like classes go and go to all the dept and explorer meetings and just become friends with the guys even the older guys the'll take you under there wing and show ya around
The best advise I can give is Listen! Listen to the stories,listen to the teachers,listen to the old guys,and listen to your heart. In the stories of Firefighters you are going to learn the legacy of your department, you are going to hear the struggles they have had to get to where they are. The instructors at training are there because they are trusted members of the Fire Service. They have taken the time to learn the proper ways of doing things,and most of all they have taken the responsibility of teaching you the ways to be safe doing what we all love to do. Listen to the old guys, they have survived through trust and preparation. They trust the guy in front of them and the guy behind them. They have been together through thick and thin. They have been together during happy times and sad. They have built a community within a community, we are all family. When we see each other for the first time we feel the connection. the bond of friendship, and of kinship. But I guess the most important thing is to listen to your heart. Only you know what you are capable of. Don't let someone force you to do something you don't want to. Stay focussed,
learn,practice,ask questions,look for answers, and always know we are out here for you. If you need me or any of us let us know. We have been there we won't steer you wrong.
I hope this helps you. Till we talk again, stay safe and have fun. Good luck!
Randy Lyons
A great man told me when I was younger a couple things that I still carry with me today.
1. Dont be a smart ass.
2. Be yourself.
3. Learn all that you can.
4. Dont be lazy.
5. RESPECT your seniors.
There are some more but I cant think of them off the top of my head. Stay safe. Remember you have 2 ears and 1 mouth so that you can listen twice as much as you should talk. Also if somebody asks you something and you know the response say " I understand". It sounds better than "I know".
Be a sponge and soak up whatever that book or instructor will give you.
And most importantly, don't let it consume you. Find a balance until you choose your career.
Good luck and glad to see you at FFN.
Here's some for you- Get as much training as possible, always be willing to help, respect the guys who were there before you, stick up for yourself at times, do as your told and prove yourself worthy of being there. But of course, over all, have fun and enjoy it. It's a blast.
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Read, Read, & more reading!
keep your mouth and your ears open cept if you have question listen to your line officers, chiefs and fire fighters above you. most of all don't take anything to heart they may pick on you for a while but then it will move to another guy or girl stay safe and take any training you can get
I just started to ,do what yo are told, respect others try your hardest and everything will be fine.


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