What color is your explorer helmet?

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Im a explorer and my helmet is orange and it says probie on it.
I believe the Explorers are issued blue helmets. Using a color that a regular firefighter wear could place the explorer into a possible litigious situation. Not a good idea... ms
Thought I'd share with you that LAFD (Los Angeles City Fire Department) uses an orange color for the Captain II helmets. Captain II rank oversees a large station and other Captain's. It is a very respected position so the color orange to me means something totally different.
we are issued yellow with explorer crescents
Ours are Orange with an explorer crescent on the helmet
My Department has black helments with out a Rookie name and without a number. We don't have alot of Junior firefighters just yet.
everyone in our department gets black helmets. except the chief obviously
we have ours in orange makes them stand out more in my area
im the cadet cheif and we have yellow helmets
we use our older helmets and they are black
We have orange :)
ours vary, basically you take all the stations within the county and we get the leftovers. Its all in a pile, you just find the pieces you need and borrow the ones we don't have. Mines yellow though, some are red and the officers are mostly black.

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