It's almost like I feel like I'm ruining the party, but I'm trying to utilize this network for something other than the obvious social side to get some information on hot topics. I have been looking at your profiles (that's why you put them there, remember?) and trying to get a grasp on what we feel like are the pressing issues that need to be discussed and researched.

I can tell you right now: everyone needs more money. That one's kinda a no-brainer. But other than looking at fire trucks, what would be something that you might read because it seemed like a really compelling article? Feel free to bat it around a little.

Oh, and by the way, the truckies are meeting over at Cancel The Engine if you happen to be one of those. I find it hard to believe there's only 9 of us.

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Here's the link to the 'Cancel the Engine' group

Ahh, yes, a link would have been useful. Thanks for the assist, Chief.
How about differant types of training?
I am using the network to publish differant articles myself. I think even if you read it, than someday down the road it may click when your under the heat and may make a better decision. Keep up the good work. Funding, getting/maintaining membership, and safety seem to be the 3 largest issues.
how about new types of equipment,lastest training classes, or a discussion or list of the easiest or most reliable equipment to use.
Mick, the longer I'm in the fire service, the more convinced I become that what really lacks in our training of new and veteran firefighters is Fire Behavior, Building Construction (and collapse), and Water supply and basic hydraulics. It just seems that our firefighters around the US are getting injured or killed in too many flashovers and building collapses. (interior and exterior). Everything we do as truckies, and yes, even the engine companies, is going to be determined by those three factors. What's the fire gonna' do? How will the building behave (or not)?, and can we get sufficient water to it to extinguish the fire? All of the best turnout gear, fire apparatus, pass devices, radios, accountability systems, and even TIC's can't read these signs and make decisions. Only we can do that, those things are just tools to help us. We even talk a lot about training in the "Basics"; ie. Ventilation, Fire Streams, Forcible Entry, Ladders, etc. But even these are marginally helpful at best if we don't understand what the fire will or won't do and how the building should behave.
I'd love to see some articles on training topics. I know that's kind of a general statement, but I love seeing good training materials. It seems like we get to a point sometimes where we lose sight of the basics.
I'm just writing here to bring this post back from the grave. It is in response to another thread having to do with where have all the regulars gone, in hopes that this will spark some ideas for instructional, educational and intellectual discussions which have been overshadowed by the game type threads. Maybe the regulars will come back after that and give guidance and instruction to those who can use it, or those who don't even know they can use it. Maybe bring this site back to what it was first intentioned for. I'm not bashing the other forums and threads by any means. I often take part in those. It would just be nice to log in and learn something useful; the reason I signed up in the first place.
I hope this works. Lets get some information sharing going on.
Take care people, I'm doing the same.

I have pretty much been baffled by this site recently. I have attempted to do exactly what some here are asking for and nobody seems to catch the information. Classic example was my last training thread was about an airbag deployment on a car without a battery in it for over 6 months. Near miss training event. Sounds interesting, for the longest time I had three people correspond to the thread.

Here is the link:

So unless your article is about POV's, Colors of Lights or Helmets, or Volunteer vs Paid, best of luck with
FFN advice.
Great idea and great reprise.

reading smoke/flashover
PPV - like a warm summer's breeze
carbon monoxide/hydrogen cyanide
thermal imaging cameras
metering during overhaul
engage brain before transmitting message
reasons for NOT smoking
NFPA and how it works FOR us
safety is for sissies
why fire trucks should always be red
EXACTLY, Jack/dt.
I know there are many new members in here that don't have a lot of info on those subjests, myself included in a few.
Need to keep the new people informed and safe. That's what I think. For example...VES? Not familiar with the term, unless I know it by something else.
And jus so you know Jack, all our apparatus are red except for our medical which is white.
FETC for what it's worth a number of us responded ( 10/07 with a question) and you didn't get back to it until today. Tsk tsk. But it was an interesting read and educational. You just have to stay on top of these things guy.

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