Everyone has those times where you get discouraged, whether its from a bad call or fire department politics or what have you. What do you do to keep your eye on the reason why we are all doing what we do, to help people. For me I listen to music or watch firefighter tribute videos on the internet. Something about the fact that someone took time to honor a firefighter or firefighters in general. Even though its not even for me, its nice to know someone is appreciative. I understand we are unspoken heroes, but some encouragement every now and then is nice to keep on strokin. In the end, it is the total strangers that were out there for. So post up what you do to stay focused, and stay safe out there.


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For me I turn to my brothers and sisters (other firefighters) and talk about the incident, its not good to hold all that in. It will only make it longer. The big thing is my church, I turn to the lord.
I talk to friends in the department, or friends from other F.D's. I sometimes can talk to my wife about things on the job that bother me. I'll go do stuff with my sons and get my mind off the problems. Now I also have FFN! It's nice to come on here and see that I'm not alone when I'm feeling kind of down. Stay safe!
I just try to keep the department mission in mind at all times; it goes something like this:

"We are an organization of men and women dedicated to the preservation of life and property of the residents of the town. We volunteer our time, talents, and energy to advance our knowledge of fire fighting, emergency medicine, and fire prevention so that we may improve the standard of life for our neighbors and fellow townsfolk.

"We are committed to providing the best possible firefighting and emergency medical services to the town, and we seek to continuously improve our service by reducing our response time, increasing our efficiency, constantly improving our skills, and maintaining a modern complement of firefighting equipment."

I have also found that one good call - a quick fire knockdown, or vehicle extrication, or CPR save - can undo a number of bad calls if you hang in there and keep doing the job.

If one is in it for glory, expecting people to continually show their appreciation and gratitude at every call - I hate to be the bearer of bad news but those occasions are few and far between.
"I have also found that one good call - a quick fire knockdown, or vehicle extrication, or CPR save - can undo a number of bad calls if you hang in there and keep doing the job."

Right on Joe! One really good call can put you right back in the saddle.
Sometimes I do get discouraged and I remember why I joined the fire department and rescue squad. I joined to help the people in my community and I don't expect anything in return. I agree with Joe that if you are in it for the glory and expect gratitude all the time then you are in for a shock.... Be safe
A nap on the recliner after a nice firefighter's lunch. I focus on sleeping and the back of my eyelids. I have the best job in the world.
I simply remember that it's not about me. Me being pissed off doesn't solve the issue, it compicates it. If it is an issue with policy, I bring it to the attention of the proper channels to be corrected if theres a problem, or an explination if something is vague.
what a realistic heartfelt reply... and you are not sleeping... you are mentally preparing yourself for the next big one as well as combining this with winter olympics training, it's called luge training and requires only that the firefighter sit in a recliner, preferably leather, and bring the chair into a full lounging position. This ensures that you are simulating this wonderful olympic sport. Please be careful doing this for all of you out there who are new at the job. And we all know that rookies are not allowed to watch tv or sit in the recliners until they pass their probation. Ah... tradition.
The word is "DEBRIEF"...and it is for everyone involved in every call.....esp the "bad' calls...Never overlook anyone in the process either......it can make or break a person...see enough crap and something snaps.......Stay safe all and always keep the faith...........Paul

Nice discussion topic Ben. Everyone gets discouraged. Everyone has good and bad days and I have found that the trick to surviving life in general is to expand your horizons and do things that you like to do when you are not on duty. For myself, I don't have to rely on the fire department to get those warm fuzzies. They are nice when they come but few and far between. On top of that, it's our culture to not admit that you like warm fuzzies and considered appropriate if you act as if you could care less. But let's be honest here, having a little girl hand you a flower and tell you that you are special sets you back a few steps.
I just have always wondered about this subject. I havent had any bad calls lately. And department politics arent any worse than usual. Its just like I tell other people. Theres always that time that comes up periodically to stop in life and reevaluate your life instead of going day to day and missing your life. I just was interested in getting others opinions on the subject for future reference. I completely agree with having a good call after a stream of bad calls. I understand about not bein in it for the glory. I would have left a long time ago. I enjoy helping people and I do like thanks but I feel like we are all a brotherhood and saving a life or helping people is what were here for. If were goin to be thanked thank firefighters for risking lives and helping others. I feel awkward bein thanked one on one, just doesnt feel right. I also definitely have enjoyed that leather recliner too after a 40 acre fire and been right back out of it for a fire, i was mentally prepared, haha.

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