my nick name is BICEY and u all may call me this if ud like

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hey hows it going, I have a few nicknames, Foxxy, The Fed (back when I was in the PD), lil Fox, firefox, and foxxy hot (dunno know where that came from but one of the guys in the dept just started calling me it)
my nickname is "SUPER JR." which i recieved from the guys in my fire dept and other fire departments in the county when i was a jr. ff. due to on my 16th birthday i got my first class and i was always taking classes and then ended up helping the instructor teach, with a impressive class list for a 19 y/o and experince the instructors thought i was a better "asst. instructor" or demostrator then some of the older seasoned guys. and i dont mind being called it...i get it everywere even when i go out of county for mutual aid calls.
Jimbob, I hate it but it stuck.LOL.
Well Bikey I belong to two agencys one fire one ems fire my nickname is Shake-N-Bake ems it is speed bump. They come from my youth and the fact that I have survived being hit by three cars lol.
Back in My Old station in PG COUNTY Maryland I was known as Cockroach for as much food I would put away
I forgot one foxxy love
in my dept. i'm known as SUPERMAN, because my last name is Clark. ha! ha! ha!
this is all great to know hope fully we get more peeps in here so we all can share these
at my station they call me "tiny" because i'm the smallest and shortest member and my turn-out gear swallows me!
heres one... my nickname would be Sledge. I got that from an incident that happened one day when we were flushing hydrants. I caused a water hammer as I was shutting the hydrant off. It broke the water main in 3 places and shattered the service lines. I caused over $10,000 worth in damage in less than 5 min. Because of this Chief started calling me Sledge Hammer{because of the water hammer} and was soon shortened to "Sledge." but I don't mind. It could of been much worse and all the guys and me still get a big kick out of it.
hi great group, they call me tidal wave because i can give u 4000gal of water in 19 sec. im water supply 400gal peterbuilt stright tanker. mike stat 73. my motto leave them wet. take care
My nick is BALOO (ya like the bear in the jungle book) I was playing basket ball with some friends at station 2 and one of the more loud mouth of the 3 said that I looked like a circus bear trying to play bascet ball so later I went to EMT school and was introduced as such and then to my job at CFD were he worked and there agen " hey every one that guy in the corner his name is baloo" and my reaction is " Oh F^$% not agen " well just a peace of knolage for yall if you dont like your nick just act like it doesnt bother you it sould go away 3 or 4 years give or take unless your department alows boxing in the bay to work out personal problems between coworkers and dont think that if your capt is small you can take him eather he may suprise you


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