The alarm rang, as it had so many times before. He was the first of the fireman up and out, Awakened from his bed at the station By the clanging of the bell. Engine 3 pulled out of the bay, Dispatch paged another station. And all the firemen aboard the truck Were tensed with anticipation "Sounds like a job, boys," He said as he donned his gear. And the young jakes smiled at him As they drew ever near. They turned onto his own street And he could see the fire's work He hoped their mother woke his kids To see their dad at work. His heart sank as he saw the home That he so dearly loved Going up in Smoke and flames As he donned his gloves. Aggressively he hit the fire And searched the rooms above. And with a flare of personal vengeance He saved what remained of his home. As he left the world of flaming hell He saw his little girl He ran quickly to her side and said "Honey, Daddy's here." He would never forget what next she said As he held her close, "I love you, Daddy," she whimpered, And he began to weep. She died in his arms that night The others, later on. His comrades gave him their respects but his family was gone. He sits alone at the station, now, There's no more spring in his step. He stays detached from his fellows to avoid once again being hurt. He risks it all in fires, now, No more concerns for his safety. He has taken a solemn vow. He won't let it happen to another, as long as he's around. ...IF YOU LOVE WHAT THE MEN AND WOMEN DO IN THE FIRE SERVICE REPOST THIS... FIREFIGHTERS TEARS

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Pretty friggin sad! Good, but sad!
Ok, I was feeling a little down, and that just pushed me over the ;-) Definately sad... Got some emotions flowing.
Sorry if we woke you in the middle of the night,
But someone in your neighborhood is fighting for his life.
Sorry if we block the road and make you turn around,
But there's been a bad wreck with dying children on the
When you see us coming you'll understand,
Let us have the right-of-way - someone needs a helping
Sometimes a child is choking, sometimes a broken leg.
Sometimes a heart stops beating, and when we get there
it's too late.
So if you see us crying when we think we're alone,
You'll know we had a "bad" one and we're feeling mighty
We don't do it for the money -- you know we don't get paid.
We don't do it for the glory but for a life that might be saved.
Somewhere deep within us our souls are crying out,
"We're here to help our neighbors in their hour of pain and
God gave us something special to help us see you through,
We do it 'cause we love you, and we care about you too.
Wow, i love the way you write with such emotion. keep it up! :-)
very good, sad, but good. Windy is right, keep it up.
It is real touching.It mad me think of my daughter coming and hugging me and telling me she loves me.I dont even want to think about that.Not for any one.Sad.

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