Where do yall get yalls from. I have alwase ordered from Galls or OMBPS.com but i found this new place called speed tech lights they have awesome lights great prices and fast service so check em out

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I personally like strobesnmore....good lights with good prices and the best warranty in the business............Paul
Funny story;
A few years ago, our ambulance director installed wig wags on his POV, got to the scene of the accident and when we were done, the cop asked him to stick around for a minute.
When our AD left the scene, he had a very expensive ticket in his hands for the wig wags.
My point is; before anyone buys lights for their POV, know the vehicle codes in your state before you purchase something that you cannot use.
And take a DDC.
I second that suggestion; similar situation here, as regulations have recently changed.
In our county we cant run blue, i run red and clear i have a red rotating on my glass and wig-wags then i bought two 12" clear leds off of ebay that i run in the back windshield.
I have had great luck with the Star mini-lightbars and Sho-me flashers. The Star bars fit better on Ford Explorers than say the Whelen mini-bar. I found out the hard way.

I usually shop around on the web with google searches. I have found Gall's to be pretty expensive compared to other places. LSH Lights and Southwest Public Safety are also good.
In washington state you are only allowed to run green lights..and it use to be a solid green light no rotating but they have kinda let that go to the way side and can run rotating or strobes. I had installed some wig wags on my pickup once and my uncle was a cop at the time n he said thats a big no no..so i had to take them off...I wouldnt mind putten a green light back on my rig but i have too many street lights and it makes it hard since you can run through them. What fun is it to sit at a red light with a light going...
I have ordered from galls for people and they have a 30 day trial of their lights as long a you don't hurt them in anyway...so they're good I'll have ta check the speedtechlights website
I bought both of my red LED strobe lights from Galls. We're not suppose to have them, but a few state troopers said as long as we don't miss use them they won't say anything to us. But it is a sure NO on the wig wags.
I'd have to agree on checking your state and local laws before buying! I've gotten some crap from other people (jealosy, maybe) about my lights. I bought a vector from a former asst. chief that lost his license for DUI.
www.uniformswarehouse.com this is where i have gotten the light on my wifes truck along with the light on my explorer. the are fairly inexpensive, especially for their led lights. they make all of their own stuff too keep expences down. i have had a few issues with the one panel in my full size bar but they were right there to replace it and make sure i was satisfied
I use a local company RIM Industries...they do have a web page though http://www.rimindustries.com/

I run all blue/white. Whelen 690 stobe kit with 2 blues up front, 2 clear up front, and the remaining 2 blue in the back. I also have a Brooking Industries (sold to Able2) Dash LED and 2 Grill LED....they are a split blue/white also. This is all in a 2002 Camaro btw lol
www.rimindustries.com is pretty good, as far as speedtechlights.com , don't buy anything from there, expecially their strobe packs. As far as all of their lights they sell on there, most of the time you can go on ebay and buy the same light through them cheaper. All of there items are bought in bulk from china. I make led lightbars on the side if anyone is interested, please check my pictures.

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