Just woundering out there what kind of pagers do you guys use out there? My company currently uses the Minitor II for firefighters but the upper ranking officers use the Minitor IV. Right now i have a Minitor III in the shop and its the only III in the station. So what do you guys use and have any suggestions on any good working pagers?

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The great state of Illinois is getting their act together on communications. We are jumping ahead of the federal mandate that is due for 2012.
We have Minitor IV's right now that will not allow for the installation of the red, white, and blue frequencies that the men/women will need going forward, so we will be purchasing new pagers, I believe Minitor V's that has this capability. Now; I'm not real strong in communications equipment, so I rely on our guy at Motorola and he has assured me that we cannot retro the IV's. So, needless to say, we will be limping the IV's through for the next few years and purchase the new ones 5 at a time until all are replaced.
What are these red, white and blue frequencies you speak of?
Our Vols use our old IIs & we currently use Vs. I like the repeat feature, but for some reason reception seems a little spottier on my V...
Red, White, & Blue channels are the VHF operating channels used primarily by DOF; Our area (SWFL) Fire & Rescue Dists. use the 800mhz system, but have VHF units & HTs to communicate w/ forestry dozers, ariel units, etc. on brush fires.
here at Oakwood Fire dept. and Rescue Squad we all carry the minitor V pagers and plus we have the Icom portables that each member has issued too them.We even issue them too our junior members.As far as the minitor V pagers they are very good and plus reliable and they will take a beating and keep on working.

Michael A. Perkins
Fire Department
Rescue Squad
Infectionist Control Officer
I've had a Minitor II since I've been on(almost 5 yrs) and I finally was issued a V last month. I like the V's because of the fact that it stores more than one call at a time. My department is slowly replacing all the II's, all the new members are still getting those as they get replaced.

I still have a PLECTRON sitting next to my bed!
All the senior members have Minitor IV. Most Junior members have Minitor III. Then all new members or people who broke theirs for whatever reason have Minitor II. I have a Minitor II.
We have a mixture of Minitor II,III,and a few IV's in various states of repair.but it seams that as the technoledgy advanced the crappier they got.My Dad has an old Minitor I(the original metal "brick") at his house.An i've got to tell you I used it when my II,& III where out for repairs,and IT WORKED BETTER!and you know what?it still activates EVERYTIME.It's to bad we cant carry it any more,since nobody can get new batteries for them.
ok, call me a whacker if you want, the 2 companies I run with are completely different! The first one uses all alphas for senior members and the minitor 2 for juniors (16-18) the juniors under 16 aren't alowed on scene as anything but, a spectator. The second one, uses whatever pagers we can get, so some are still carrying NEC's some have minitor 2,3 and those of us with an alpha. the only problem I have found with any of the pagers I have used personally is: the alpha will not recieve a call in certain types of buildings, like warehouses. and sometimes you get a garbled message. the minitor 2 works the best (altho, they don't swim too well) the minitor 3 had the playback feature, enough for the last call but that cut out before hearing the address because it starts recording with the tones (our tones are pretty long) the NEC's were the worst, they go off if the tone is even close to ours and had range problems, meaning if you were too far from the repeater you didn't get the dispatch!
If you can send me a message, with the #'s from the battery. I have a supplier I deal with that can possibly get batteries for it, their prices usually are reasonable.
my volunteer fire deparment i am on we use swissphone which doesn't talk it is all lcd and is louder then a Minitor by far i can here it clear in my bedroom when it is in the living room dam near 50 yards ayaw
Yeah we have Minitor V they are the best out there.

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