I'm still just getting started. Everyone I have met has been wonderful in sharing their knowledge and experiences with me. So I thought, if there was one thing you could pass on to the "new Kid" what would it be?

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That is easy... Stay safe! Do not go looking for the trouble the trouble will come to you..... I'm a veteran of the fire service for over ten years. I have been careful each time the tones drop.
[Quote]Be honest. Be proud. Be relentless.
Show respect. Show integrity. Show enthusiasm.
Smile. Have fun. Motivate yourself.
Take responsibility. Take ownership. Take control.
It starts now.

–Tiger Schmittendorf – November 23, 2002[End of Quote]

Take Tiger's advice, print it on one side of a helmet card and print the Firefighter's Prayer on the other side. Stick the card on the inside of your helmet liner. It will be your reminder every time you put your head into your helmet.
And my word of advice?
Be careful who you take your advice from.
There is absolutely NO substitute for hands on training and experience.
And get a motorcycle.
Keep your mouth shut and eyes and ears open. ask serious questions learn your equipment and have faith it will save your life one day. Be smart you will see who is approachable and who is being a dick learn from that. Life is short learn to dance, cuz your next dance may be with the devil.....may your career be what you were looking for and remember don't try to be the hero......
Training, education. This is an ever changing buisness. Stay on top of things, and learn all you can.
Well talking from being a lineofficer for 15yrs. & A Captain for 1yr. & from being Assistant Chief now. PLEASE get as much Training as u can & "NEVER" & I say NEVER "THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL" !!!!!! Always get as much training as u can because it will All come togather some day in yr life as being a firefighter. Truse me my feelings have been that I could NEVER get enough Training for my self. And I have always incouraged my brother firefighters in my Dept. to get the training anytime they can. And reminber that we all Promised to do are BEST that we can in your Oath of being a firefighter.... So best of luck & Keep SAFE !!!!

My advice to is to learn everything. Don't forget to check your truck. Never assume that everything is there.
If you aren't making mistakes, you aren't trying. And remember you can learn as much from a bad officer as you can from a good officer.
Some 95% of the challenges you will face will be back at the firehouse - not on the fire scene.

Simply maintain your focus.

Don't ever let any one - or any thing - prevent you from being the firefighter you want to be.
Know your truck and equipment like the back of your hand. You should never have to open more than one pocket door looking for a tool.
Well there is soooo much.....1st...Keep quiet and pay attention to EVERYTHING....2nd...Don't be afraid to ask questions afterwards......3rd...TRAIN....TRAIN.....TRAIN (get the point)....NEVER, EVER leave your partner (for any reason) one comes out you both come out....4th..Don't try and be a hero...heaven is full of heroes.....and last but far from the least....stay away from anyone who comes across like they know everything.....they will get you killed......Stay safe, and keep the faith.............Paul.....PS....welcome to the most wonderful family that one could ever have...(don't take the ribbing to heart , they only ride you if they like you...LOL)
watch your back after 12 years of service my fire dept. that i helped start turned their backs on me. Iwas a lt. someone lied on me so the FD kicked me off
Some may still consider me a newbie but actually i'm not.I came off of our Company's probation with ease and I was only talk to by the chief once for calling another chief an ass whole and telling one of the other ff's that he needed to get his head outta his ass.Anyways and then after about 3 months one of my fellow jrs got my ass in trouble.He was involved with another company and that company did a job at the local dirt track and they needed help so I helped, but I used my gear.Well then another company got called out to our box for engine and rescue and we were never dispatched well I called in to the comm. center wheathering if even our rescue got called out and supposedly I told them that it was bullshit and they were all ass wholes.So I was put back on probation till I am 16.It ain't too bad now and everyone likes me more and I can learn more.My advice is sitback relax and keep your mouth shut and eyes open!

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