I've belonged to a few different volunteer fire depts.in my many year's of service.Some that had their clicks and some that had money.The dept.that i'm with now is basically a small quiet country type fire hall with a hand full of member's.We run 1-tanker 2-engine's 1-ambulance and 1-misc. truck.We mostly apply for grant's for the equiptment that we need,or get approved by the dept.head's to buy what we need.I've only been a member there for about 3-4 month's and gotten to know just about everybody there.I am very comfortable there than some of the dept's i've belonged to in the past,also got the equiptment that I needed the first night i joined.Now people are asking me why don't you join another dept.that get's more call's and that is more active?my reply to that is i'm comfortable there.And i like where i'm at.What would some of you do?

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Well i'm going to for now and maybe think about joining another dept.closer to home.I like where i'm at and they are a great bunch of firefighters.
You didn't upset me. I was grumpy from just comming off duty w/ 2 hrs of sleep. Got a nap all better now. But as we all know family comes first.
Im in the same situation and I don't blame you... You have a family at your station just like I do mine would you really trade family??? I know I wouldn't...
I am chief at a rural department that runs only 150 fire calls and 250 medical calls. We have 36 firefighters and 20 or so members of the auxillary. The challange I have is keeping the younger guys and girls interested and motivated. Our calls are mostly during wildfire season so we go some months with very few calls. Medical calls are pretty steady. I try to offer interesting training and have cook-outs and pot luck dinners through out the year to strenthen the friendships in the department. We have people come and go, but mostly it is due to family problems and such. We have a buch of guys that have goined out department that live outside of our fire district because of the atmosphere we have. We are lucky to have the folks we have in the fire department. Don't braggor put other departments down because their memberhip is low or they don't resond as quickly as your department does. Your department can be in the same shape if several people quit at the same time. We have been in that position before.
Our dept.is small and run mostly e.m.s calls,not alot of fire call's yet.We have a handfull of people some young and some older.We have alot of drill's,training with our neighboring dept's.wich is a good thing.I do like it there,and we have a good time when we're there.We have a mutual aid plan in the county and that really help's alot,with our neighboring depts.
No I would'nt trade that.I have a brotherhood there,they treat me decent there.I have 2 uncle's that belonged to our neighboring dept.that were past chief's and that helps me alot.Alot of them know who they are and that also helped me get in to the dept.I am comfortable ther and i think that is where i belong.
Yep you are right there my friend. Thank you.

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