Ok I thought fire trucks were red! I knew some were yellow/green but, now I've seen a blue one. Are there any other colors out there that I still don't know about? The pictures that I've gotten so far are amazing and there is alot of arguements going on about which color is better. Any one want to figure out which one is more popular? LOL

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Hi, interesting and extremly controversial discussion you have started. In my department we are firmly believers in Red fire apparatus, however there are certainly many different colored units out there. Not far from your own department you can fin units that are Black, Green, Orange, Blue, and I have attempted to attach a photo of a Black over White rescue unit delivered this past week to the Blakely Ambulance and Rescue company. There is every conceivable color of apparatus out there with some travel I'm sure you will see colors you can't believe. Good going on starting a lively topic though. Stay Safe.
yea the station my dad and i run with have white with gold leaf lettering if youwould like me to i can send pics of our trucks

here is the site for the station i run with

I knew a fire company in West Virginia that one year had the following in their station: black engine, white engine, white over red engine and a truck, yellow engine. They are now going to silver over blue.
My fire company had red engines than changed to yellow and now our township is switching to black over red. Personally I'm tired of seeing black over red. Over the weekend I photographed a very beautiful black over orange engine.
I have seen all colors of fire apparatus. White over orange, white over gray over black, blue, black and white, green, brown, etc......

Forgot, here is a utility that is different
Yea there is another color up around here station 26 has orange trucks. And also i have seen a purple ambulance but im not sure i can a picture of either of them. Stay Safe-Chad
My girlfriend runs with Carneys Point and they have White with Blue Pin Strip which are Very NICE! They dont have any pics up yet but heres the website if you want to check them out
I have afew pics of "The Blue Beast"(solid light blue tanker) and my favorite Black fire truck with gold pinestriping(Minotola) ill upload later when my computer acts normal. And if you want ill find my pic of a pink fire truck too LOL yes i said PINK!
Good luck on your project!
OCNYFIRE.com has plenty of pics you can look at also SullivanCounty911.com,our local unofficial site has alot of pics for you.We have a whole dept up here thats blue and I have seen black at the Hudson Valley VFA parades,very cool looking trucks
there are many different colors. red is traditional. yellow is more common now becuase it is the safest color because it is more visible. also black, green, blue nad even pink are becoming more and more popular. even silver has become more popular.
A Department near us painted their truck purple to match the Schools colors. Dont have any pics of it tho.
Thanks everybody the colors you guys have seen are amazing!!!!
Ours are black with silver leaf lettering with purple shadowing. See attached.

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