OK guys i was looking online for the Whacker Inciter LED Light when i came across the official definition of the term "Whacker". This is hilarious and sadly true hope you guys like it and lets here some stories about the whackers you guys know. Ill throw mine in after the definition...

1. Whacker: Someone who has an extensive number of emergency lights, whether legal or illegal. This person usually has several excuses to justify their light installations or usage. You can see these people in the larger population centers where surplus lights are more abundant. Usually they have light bars, dash lights, grill or hideaway strobe for no reason and try to find reasons to use them. Possible occupations of the typical whacker are security guard or some community safety club. Whackers tend to get hostile when confronted about their lights and they will name several tasks to justify their usage. Some stated tasks could be highway assistance, snow removal (with no plow attachment on the vehicle), an unforeseen emergency that will never happen, or anything that comes to the imagination in the heat of the argument. Some even go as far as to start up a business and outfit a retired police car just to have lights on a vehicle they own. These businesses usually are short lived and only do minimal business to keep the "company" they started alive. Usually whackers will have web sites celebrating their lighting abuse and you will see numerous flashy animations and pictures of real emergency vehicles with little to no real content. When confronting a whacker, you'll realize soon enough that they are always right, you are always wrong in their eyes. It's a mental state that only can be crushed by a dose of reality or leaving the whacker phase. The average whacker is probably a 16-28 year old white male, working a small or dead end job, lacking power at their job or in their personal life and is obsessed with police/fire shows, catalogs, or books.

Ok now the Whackers I know proudly show it. Down the Road 2 good friends of mine are the official "Sub-Station 17-Whackers R Us" LOL, full bar lights, millions of fire extinguishers in the beds of their trucks with traffic cones... extra lights trailers so extra equipment from the station incase of a huge incident(trailer they built their own)
Now for me I am with "The Whacker Brigade" LOL Me and my friend Lauren Bass started it when we got our new gear and when i got my new Vector blue light.

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Whackers are everywhere there is a volunteer fire company! I have been accused of being one, I run a straight blue Vector With an arrow stick and 2 grill mounted flashers. Granted, before June it has always been mounted on a vehicle that wasn't worth as much as the lights! With this being said, I don't think I have gone overboard with it. As for a whacker story.....We have a guy in town that runs with the local ambulance corps. He was cited as a minor (years ago) for using his blue lights to pull people over for speeding. Not long after that he had been arrested for sitting along the hiway with a hair dryer out the window. This guy tops that all off by becomming a cop! Keep in mind here in PA, if you are charged as a minor your record disapears when you reach your 18th birthday! Here's the best part of the story...... He lost his job as a cop because he paid a kid on a little league baseball team to hit another player when it was time to pitch to him! This guy has recently been hired as a cop by another department in the last year or so! By the way he does still drive a caprice with lolipop lights on the rear deck and hidden grill lights as his personal vehicle!
Lady, you should get a mini-bar and put it on your car roof, just to see what kind of looks you get. If asked you could always say something like "well, I want to have a light that matches the call, or my mood at the time, or..." Just to see if you can create that "Kodak moment". If they call YOU a whacker you may as well live up to it.

Now, I am probably the whacker for our fire department. I have 4 antennas, three mobile radios plus siren in a custom center console, four (count 'em) four portable radios, minibar, grill lights and flashing headlights. Plus four sets of turnout gear, flares, fire extinguishers, etc. But then I do have some official capacities in which this equipment is used. And re-reading the official definition I see I don't meet the age, employment or obsession criteria so I guess I can't call myself a whacker even in jest any more.
i like the Whackers that but there light that is supposed to go on top of the vehicle with 360 degree rotation and wonder why they have trouble seeing on the way to calls. we had to make one guy quit using his light because of complaints about him speeding with the light and using it when not on a call. here you have to have your lights registered with the state police and it they are not and you are caught using them you get fined
I do believe that HATZOLAH AMBULANCE is the guiltiest party of ALL the Whackers,bar none.Go to the SullivanCounty911.com website and click onto the forums,you'll find the thread.Up here it is an on going problem with outside agencies coming to our area as "tourists"and supplyng EMS service for only a select group of people.I have had 4-5 Firefighters jump to safety to avoid getting hit by these whackers.By the way...the average light total on their cars is 23.Oh,and I have 2 on my pick-up and 1 in my work van.
Joe,are you a chief?Then it's understandable...if not,JEEEEZ DUDE!!!
We have voted and banned all use of blue lights in private cars. Its a long story but lets just say its for the best. I live a few blocks from our station and have never needed the light bar on my roof. I have always loved the $200 car with 1500 in light and flashers. Good luck to you all, but a deep secert I have my scanner is on.
What is wrong with the $1200 lightbar on an $800 truck? The only thing that irks me is the people that take advantage of the privilage to run lights. Yes, I did say privilage, in PA there are guidelines in the state motor vehicle codes as to how they can be used. I do believe they help you get to the station or a scene quicker. But, here the blue lights are merely a courtesy light, meaning it gives you no authority and many forget that! The town I live in has outlawed the use of blue lights because this. but I still run them for the other company I run with because I have to travel 18 miles to the station if I'm leaving my house. So far I have only been accused of using them while responding to a call in town, fortunatly for me the chief arrived at the ststion right behind me!
Anyway what I'm getting at is, if you run lights (be it red or blue) please use your head about it I like using them and don't want to see them outlawed all together! Other than that go ahead put as many as you can on, the more visable you are when responding, the better!
LOL awesome stuff guys and i agree more the better especially running fire police with your POV in the middle of a 4 lane highway(yes in Salem County, NJ Fire Police is not issued Municipal vehicles and have to respond and use their own vehicles)

But yea heres the website i got it from... forgot to post it when i posed the original forum... its alot of security gaurds in this but its hilarious! and alittle scary LOL

John, Up here in NY it's the same way.When I lived in Bergen County it was the same way then but that was looooooooooong ago.
Damn bro, I could weld you up a 100 gallon tank and classify your POV an Engine, or perhaps add a ladder rack to make it a Truck company. LOL I'm only kidding, its all worth it the one day you can put a lot of the equipment to use before the first due arrives and it saves a life.
Sorry; I see that word "whacker" and I got to check it out.
That's one of those descriptors that kind of leaves it to the imagination or one's perception of just what a "whacker" is.
Stickers, flashlights, multiple dash lasers worth more than the vehicle itself, T-shirts other than your fire department logo, hat pins, portable scanners, pagers worn 100 miles away from your response zone are examples of what has been discussed in whacker threads that I have read. I'm sure there are more.
But, I like a good whacker story.
Like, I have been told that the official vehicle of Whackers, Inc. is the 1984 Ford Escort? Can someone verify this?
I'm sorry but I'd have to admit, wearing a pager is like putting on a watch.... it's something you do every day with out thinking about it! I've been known to wear mine when on vacation in Atlantic City (2 and 1/2 hours away from home) Just like wearing a watch every day if you forget it, you notice it's missing all day. Granted, I do remove the light bar before driving outside the state. I wouldn't if my truck would fit into the damn parking garages with it on!

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