I have been appalled at some of the more recent "discussions" and quite frankly embarrassed. This is a sight that is open to the public and viewed by many people. I can only imagine what kind of impression some of the more colorful statements give them. Yes, I do believe everyone is entitled to their opinion, and the diversity in our opinions and lives help us to grow and learn many things. My issue is with the name calling, bad-mouthing , and personal attacks. Do we really need to stoop to this level to voice our opinions? Is this the image we want the public to have of us? or even the way we want to divide ourselves from one another? It's not necessary. We all share a common bond and I believe that bond is held in our heart for Fire/Ambulance/Rescue. Imagine what it would be like if we all took a few moments before posting our reply and considered it from that place and asked ourselves if it was really helping out the discussion or if it was just gonna take away from it. With that said I can only hope to continue learning and growing through many more healthy discussions on here. This is a great opportunity for all of us to get insight and knowledge from one another, and I hope we are able to continue on that path. Be safe, Live well, Laugh often, and Love much...

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Yup, some of it has been disgusting, some of it has been without provocation and some of it has been civil (not the name calling or bashing, but the disagreeing and discussions).
I'm not saying it's okay, but when people get emotional or feel passionately about something, this can happen. Some people are not good with words and not able to put their thoughts down on paper (or keyboard). It's frustrating to see people revert to name calling, but so be it. It let's them get their feelings out and shows the rest of us what they're made of.

Don't let it get to you, it rolls off like water if you let it.
I'll add my $.02 by saying I agree with what the others have said. To me, there are only a few out of the many members who actually engage in the name-calling and badgering.

A thought I've had while reading all of the commentary on the various discussions on this site: It is often said that firefighters are one big family. How many families are there where all members get along without in-fighting and bickering? Yep, we're one big family all right.

Just an observation, not an excuse.
No no no silly the Irish are the Paddys trust me on this one.... ;)
Thankyou for your post J. No offense taken what-so -ever. I think it fit in perfectly with the discussion. :o)

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