Just wanted to get some honest feed back about how men feel about having women serve as FF. Please be very honest! The reason for this is:
1. I have witnessed society feels women can't do this job- we are to fragile , etc.
2. People think women that work around a bunch of men must be easy or having relations with at least one of the them
3. Sexual harrassment issues arise more often
4. Some men have trouble taking orders from a woman (or vice versa)
These are just a few of the things I have seen or heard about.. Please share y you feel this way

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I agree and disagree with women in the fire service. Just as I agree and disagree that some men belong too.
It takes a special kind of woman to maintain the balance of working within a good team. If she's too sensitive then she'll be offended and problems will arise. If she's got a bigger ego than her male counterparts then that will be a problem too.
My answer to men who have problems taking orders from women, get your butt out there and become a better firefighter than her and work your way up the ladder and become her boss someday.
If a woman can't pull her own weight physically then she really needs to think about working in a line that strength isn't as important, ie. fire inspectors, prevention, EMS etc... When it gets tough out there, you're only compromising your team if they have to pick up the slack for you. Ever heard of a weight program ladies? Time to hit the heavy metal.
And as far as public imagine, too often women are the cause for public scrutiny because of promiscuous behavior. Be conservative, even more so than your male counterparts and act like your Mom is right next to you at all times. Would you do "this" or "that" if Mom could see you now?
I'm a fire chief and I'll be the first to say that some women are in the field for the wrong reasons and as soon as they quit serving thier own selfish desires, openings will occur for better qualified men and women.
All of this could be said for men too. It really goes both ways.
I work with several women, I have one on my shift. she is great, does a super job and knows what to do. I would TRUST her with out any doubt. Yes what you talked could be true and could happen, but only if you or the guys allow it, professionallism MUST take the front seat each and every time any is together. I may not like you much (guy or gal) but I have to work with you and trust the decision you make.
hey, stop beating that horse!!! lol

1. Society witnesses a lot of things, society also allows alot of things to continue and society is afraid of change. That being said, society can also welcome women into the fire service (as they can welcome male nurses and dental hygienists). Society simply needs to watch and learn and eventually accept. It also has a way of weeding out the ones who will make it and those who won't (survival of the fittest has been around for a very long time).

2. People do not think that women who hang out with men are easy or "having relations" with at least one of them. Okay, so maybe some people do, but people in general think that we work together and "that poor woman having to deal with 7 husbands!"

3. Sexual harrassment issues only arise when people are not clear about their lines and limits. Sexual harrassment cases arise when someone is unwilling or unable to stand up to those perpetrating the harrassment and put a stop to it. And now that it sounds like I think women bring it on themselves, I don't. Sexual harrassment also stems from power struggles, fear, and plain old ignorance and should be dealt with immediately. Sexual harrassment also happens in offices, and board rooms. (and of course by this, I mean true harrassment, not falsely claimed or assumed).

4. Some do have trouble taking orders from a woman, they also can have trouble taking orders from a man. Is it the gender, or is it the order (or is simply the order taker being an arse).

Of course there are going to be issues. I have said this a million times. Men are men, women are women. Men are not women and women are not men. We think differently at times, we act differently, our brains encode differently and our upbringings are different. There is nothing wrong with that, find the similarities, feed off each others differences and work with it.

it's not rocket science. Men and women have co-existed for centuries.. .not always successfully, but it's been done. Women in the fire service, even though there are a good number of us, are still an anomaly. Do the work, and move forward. Simple as that!
I am in a station like this right now and sleep in the common dorm with 8 other men. I listen to the snore, unfortunately hear and smell them fart, and occassionally catch one with his pants down (everyone is wearing at least one layer). I have walked into the bathroom when they are using the urinal, I have seen them change. I'm the only woman in the station, across all four shifts. I see men coming to and from the shower at shift change sometimes.

I have to admit that being nervous seems to be natural. I know some of the guys have said the same to me, or they will ask me if I'm offended or correct themselves (I would rather listen to the stories and comments instead of being asked if I'm offended... haha...). It's still new and there's bound to be issues arising. As for the lady who took offense to a penis... Why was she looking?!
I have seen only a few women who can handle the job . As an Instructor I have seen many women go through training . Most of them struggle to do the heavy work, like carrying ladders,handling hose lines. There are some men who can not do these tasks also. If a women can do the job no problem. If they can not, be they male or female ,they will endanger themselves and others.
Sometimes you just need a womans touch and point of view.....like at the cardiac arrest we had the other day ...the wife just needed a hug and reassurance and turned to me. I was glad I could be there for her as a neighbor and as a firefighter......thanks for listening
I have to say that in general I have no problem with women in the fire service. The thing that gets me going is when women (and men) say they can’t do the job because they are too small. You knew what you were getting into when you joined the fire service. As long as you can do what you are told I don’t really care if you are a male or female. As for taking orders from a woman, it shouldn't really matter as long as they know what they are talking about.
i feel that as a vol. ff there is no problem woman can do any job in a vol. setting just like a man or train her to do a certian job to free a man to do the more phy. duties of a f.d. response. i come with past experance that some wifes become very worried in a mixed sex dept. and as a past paramedic that had a female partner as long as you stay professional,there should be no problems. i realize that in a career dept things can become more trying but a trained ff. is a trained professional there to do a job. and it should not matter what sex the person is as long as they can do the job!!!
If you can do the job, do it and ill back you up... If you can't try another div. in the fire services, and try it.
Someone has to do the cooking and cleaning. Slow down im just kidding. i have 9 great women on the dept. Three are first responders, one is a cadet, three very good firefighters that i will put up against anyone (pink hood and all) and two probies. They are some of my better firefighters and i have no problem with them.
Thank YOU Fire Siren. Do we really have to go through this again??? We''ll just get the Philly guys all riled up again with this topic :)
I'm TELLING Fire Siren!

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