Since this is a leather helmet group, lets start off with what kind you wear. Mine is a black Paul Conway, with Bourke eyeshields and Cairns ESS goggles. I have been wearing it for about 6 yrs now. It has seen a little action.
i have a cairns New Yorker N5A w/bourke eye shields and has seen a little heat have had it for about a year my previous helmet 6 years until it was deemed unsafe to wear anymore
I have been in the volunteer fire service for 25 years. We started out when I joined wearng New Yorkers that hung on the sides of the trucks. After a few years we got all new Sam Houston's to meet the new standards with the impact cap. I wore my Sam Houston and then we started wearing 66oC Metro's. After a few years I decided I would rather wear my old Leather. Now I continue to wear my N6A Sam Houston. Remember the phrase "Leather Forever"