It would be wonderful if we could start an exchange of powerpoint presentations regarding the Fire/EMS arena. I, as the training officer and Deputy Chief are forever searching for new and interesting training powerpoints/presentations to share with my members. Icey cold days super hot days. Sometimes you need to bring your training inside. Shall I inclcde it in this group or branch out into another group and create one fro training powerpoint presentations?

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No... definitely add it to this group. I know what you mean... it would be good to have a place to go to find a particular ppt. I've got some I can dig out to add. Start uploading!!
My department is looking for radio usage training... that would be awesome.
Thanks...I will take a look at this...but from what I've seen... it looks great. Here is one I got from someone on officer development... here is the link:

Let me know what you think... the department it came from is on the page.
I have a few fire scenarios/animations that I'd give to anyone who wants to use them. Check them out here:

I am out to the NYS Fire Academy and found this website
chek it out, it has all sorts of training info including powerpoints
Hello Chief;

Here is a few to look at this my help,
try Tradenet also
I have a ton of mostly EMS ones. A few on extrication type stuff. I've collected them over the years, but I don't remember exactly where I acquired some of them. With that being said, I'm also not sure on the copyright of them. So, if I upload them, I take no credit for the creation of them. That ok?
How do I get copies of these? How do I create them?

Bring them on. Knowledge is Power!
The most straightforward way is to email me -- jmk at If you don't want to wait, you can go through them online then look in your browser cache -- the Flash files (.swf) will be there and you can copy them out, then open them with your browser once they are all in the same folder.

We used our program (CommandSim Fire Instructor Edition) to make them, which is based on/an extension of Adobe Flash.
I have only written two so far. Then I discovered that my Power Point skills were terrible. I am redoing them both, one is being split into two different classes. As I learned in a recent class, don't put all your information on screen and don't just read the screen to the class. While these are great reminders, it will make it kind of hard to share presentations, unless we also exchange notes and lesson plans.
Anyone needing powerpoints I have over 500 of them on various Firefighting and TRT topics. Just meail me at If you want to have all of them plus some videos you can send me a 8 G flash drive and I can load them on there and send back to you.


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