I know I am a sub-rookie and all, but I have a major problem with firefighters carrying all kinds of garbage on their helmet bands. I recently saw a new minted LT who had every inch of his helmet band covered with crap, including a pair of trauma sheers with plastic handles. The last time I looked at my trauma sheers, the had a handle that could only withstand autoclave temps up to 280 degrees. It seems to be a sign of expertise to carry all that s*** on your helmet. Thoughts?

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Until that thing creates an additional safety issue (Such as the plastic handle shears as outlined above...)
As long as it's safe I say go for it. I only have my last name on mine, but I like the idea of personalizing it, thanks for the idea ;)
Hey what do you know? 32 years? Pffft... Of course I am joking. Imagine that 32 years of firefighting and your "garbage" hasn't killed you yet. Go figure. :)
After 20 some odd years I still carry basically the same stuff on my helmet. A flashlight (Garrity light is great, it's cheap and super bright), 2 wooden door chocks, 1 abs plastic chock that hangs over the hinges, 3 golf tees (at mva's with a leaking gas tank they come in handy- stick them in a small pin hole and they swell up, works great), shove knife, and during BBQ season a 20lb propane tank plug. I've never worried about getting hung up because this stuff would fall out of the band before hanging me up. As far as stuff melting, if this stuff starts to melt I have bigger problems than being out 20 bucks to replace it all. You need to look at what you do and what you respond to, one person said they run a lot of mva's that's why the shears are there, thats fine, when you're running to a structure fire what's it take to grab them and throw them in your pocket? If you're a truckie you need chocks, if you're on the nozzle a flashlight is all you'll need. Customize it to what you do, just like the pockets on your bunker gear.
you have a good point, thank you..
I keep widges and a flashlight on my helmet then inside i have a extra pair of gloves. Everything else keep in my pocket's if you must carry a par of shears then I have a inside pocket thats were i would put them so they are behind the heat barrer and they wont melt as fast.
Incase you didn't know the EMS TRAUMA SHEERS, you can cut wires with them and just about anything, so incase your hung up on something inside a house, easy accesses try getting them out of your pocket in a hurry, when all you got to do is reach up. Also you don't need to take your glove off to use them. Bout the Whole melting thing of the sheers on your helmet, thats why you got the rest off your ppe, and i honestly don't see how the melting plastic would end up on his nomex, more than likely not. Trust me from experience. Alot of the guys at my fire dept was making fun of me about mine, now even the "WHITE HAT'S" got them on their helmet, they come in handy alot.
any questions message me.
After reading the various replies on this topic, I'm getting to the point of looking around for an old inner tube and a pair of EMT scissors. I still think I'll lose them or get them caught on something... but it's time to try it out.
A candle?!? What's the story behind that?
I agree with Brian. I gotta hear about this story.
that's awesome.....I grinned just visualizing it.
I carry 2 wood blocks and 2 rubber children's door clamps. I use all of it, we get a lot of fires in my city, so it makes sense. Some guys carry those cheap flash lights, but I find them useless. I have seen volunteers carry a lot of cr*p on their helmets. Firefighter.com and some of the online venders sell a lot of cr*p but after a while you learn what you need to carry. What's more important is what you carry in the pockets of your turnouts! (I do carry a pair of trauma sheers along with gloves for EMS calls in my turnouts).

Be sure not to be too critical of others as they might need those trauma sheers one day to help you out. (its a karma thing). Let others learn for themselves!

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