I know I am a sub-rookie and all, but I have a major problem with firefighters carrying all kinds of garbage on their helmet bands. I recently saw a new minted LT who had every inch of his helmet band covered with crap, including a pair of trauma sheers with plastic handles. The last time I looked at my trauma sheers, the had a handle that could only withstand autoclave temps up to 280 degrees. It seems to be a sign of expertise to carry all that s*** on your helmet. Thoughts?

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We have all seen guys on the job whose helmets look like a flea market but they obviously feel they need everything on there. I usually just worry about my gear 'cause you can lose your mind trying to police everyone else.
Having read all the usual bilge from people who basically agree on the point, here is a possibly different perspective: If you need it, use it, and it won't fit in your bunkers, helmets are OK. But it seems most folks who wear crap on helmets are just going for the "look". They look just like the guys from backdraft, OOOHHH!!! One door stop, that's it, saves me having to fumble in my pockets for it. I've never used more than one, and my partner has never used more than one, so I only carry one on the lid, and one in the pockets, in case....
I really don't see a problem with that.Most of us run EMS call's and they are easily accible.I carry a flashlight,wedge,and a window punch.But I can see you're point.I had just bought a new helmet and I reall can't decide what to put on it,i think some ff's are just gunhoe on this stuff and are just trying to keep up with everyone else.Yah it looks fancy and all but some take it a little to far.
In 23 years on the job the only helmet I ever saw that "burst" into flame was a plastic composite low profile clean helmet. No chocks, flashlights nothing. The thing drooped over the facepiece and down to the SCBA tank in the back. The guys next to him in a leathers had a drooped flash light (never got off the helmet) and his chocks were now Cajun style (blackened).
No it was not a flash over but darn close. As for hangups that is the reason old inertubes are used. They stretch and break or just fall off. The melting point is WAY below most anything useful you could put on your lid. Even a Sub-rookie should know or at least be able to figure it out with the Internet and all. Well unless you need thermite on your lid, then you may have a problem.
Do guys go overboard? I am sure there are some. Maybe, just maybe you want to pick a diplomatic way to ask the Lt. why he has what he has on his helmet?
the sub-rookie in you just might LEARN something.
I certainly hope you are more respectful to your peers and officers in person.
Just remember when you are Chief you get to make the rules.
It is Not safe to have a bunch a stuff on your helmet! We were in a fire and one of the guys had his helmet like that and the heat melted the band and he lost the stuff from his helmet. If he had it in his pockets he would not have lost it. It's right up there will having dirty turnouts and helmets. You think it gives you that "salty" look the "cool" look but you are just asking for trouble. Let go of the "old school" this is 2008. A LT should be a good role model.
Amen Brother.
Barbara - Could you explain exactly how it's "not safe"? Sure, you run the risk of losing something, but I don't see how that's a safety issue.

I'm a LT, and I carry stuff in the outside of my helmet. Usually it's stuff that I don't want to fumble for in a pocket at 3 a.m. The stuff I carry in my helmet band consists of door chocks, 16-penny nails, oh - and a cross.

Please tell me how this is not safe so I can reconsider 13 years of experience and perhaps put the nails in my bunker pocket so they can stab me in the leg...

If he runs like most depts. he will use those trauma sheers 100 times before they melt.
i just carry a wedge a car window punch and garrity on my helmet
I carry a garrity. At what temp do they melt?
Just read your FEMSA official user information guide for the protective helments page 14. The one that comes with the new helment. You can do what you want.
If the heat melted the band holding the items in the firefighters helmets, perhaps a "hose line and some ventilation" was required and missed. Keep in mind the outer rim of your helmet is the same rubber that the rubber bands are made of. Can you find me a NIOSH report that says items in helmet kills or seriously injure's a firefighter? The answer is no. I know in my department we Handle Structure fires less then any other call. In my 15 years of experience, I have not seen anyone fetched up by their helmet (viva chin straps) because they had anything in the rubber band.
As for your comment "let go of the old school this is 2008" thats completely unwarranted, and you have nothing that could come close to substanciate that comment. Just because your a housewife and top responder doesn't make you perfect. Express your opinion as you will, but leave the personal shots out.

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