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Comment by Manuel J Rodriguez on June 24, 2011 at 5:46pm
First off mask up on the ground or on the aerial where you have some safety.When you are working on peaked roofs you should be using roof ladders for safety and stability.You can not trust the roof with out a roof ladder you don't know what is holding it up and with a good working fire why risk your life.In Milwaukee we work off our roof ladders for more info on the subject check out one of my good friends articles his name is Dave Rickert.It is on the newest addition of Urban Firefighter magazine.Check it out and let me know what you guys think.
Comment by Marc Hansen on June 24, 2011 at 5:21pm
ladder position is okay what appears to be fire beneath the ladder is lights from the tip. No heat on the ladder, but why not fully geared if you are going to be vent man on a working fire?
Comment by Bob Callahan on June 24, 2011 at 1:29pm
First of all, i didn't see any tools so what the hell was the purpose of them being on the roof?

And more importantly, did that other firefighter actually climb down the ladder and leave his partner alone? I really hope that's not what I saw but it sure as heck looked like it.
Comment by lutan1 on June 23, 2011 at 8:29pm
Ernie and others- I too was a bit surprised when I foudn this on YouTube. I don't believe it's an old video either- sadly we wonder why LODD rates, injury rates and other stats either climb or remain where they are....
Comment by Ernie Scheinert on June 23, 2011 at 8:15pm

If I am catching this right, it appears that the one remaining on the roof is actually MASKING UP while up there!!! At about 15 seconds, it looks like he puts the mask on and at about 24 seconds, he is putting his hood on.

Absolutely unreal!!


Stay Safe
Comment by Jeff Wright on June 23, 2011 at 7:32pm
The guys standing on the top on the peak hasn't got his helmet on , he's trying to but don't have it even on. Where is the charged safety line at, don't they work off of a roof ladder for safety reasons...That the things that jumped out at me....
Comment by Michael Meadows on June 23, 2011 at 5:10pm
Ok guess I will be the first: no second way off the room to be seen, doesn't mean it's not there just not apparent in the video, roof don't seem safe where the ladder is set and the ladder is taking a lot of heat, firefighter staying on roof seems to be gearing up while on the roof in the smoke. That's what jumps out at me and I know I missed a few things LOL.

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