Boston Fire Department [member] of Ladder 29 opens the roof at a house fire on West Seldon St. in Mattapan.
Posted December 2, 2010.

The Fire Critic: House Fire in Boston. Female Firefighter Venting The Roof is Featured…For Some Reason.

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Comment by Pararescue on December 6, 2010 at 9:01pm
Ralph, from Westphilly: "The sooner you realize that the FFN sharpshooters (almost all vollies who fight fewer dwelling fires in a career than a lot of Boston guys do in six months) know more about firefighting than you do, the better off you'll be." This analysis. Now if someone from FDNY with 5000 runs a year said the same thing, I might actually do it. But as usual, the all mighty paid FF vs. the Vollie FF. I'm kinda thinking that NYS is the only one in the Northeast that trains FF's uni formally. I'm sure I wrong on that one though. NYS is usually playing catch up.
Comment by Pararescue on December 6, 2010 at 8:08pm
Dave, in NYS we train with the Buffalo Fire Dept, State Fire and FDNY instructors. Do you remember a show called "The Bravest?" Every time they rode with Boston it was a lesson on what not to do. If you would like I could post the clips. ie: an engine arrives at a store front mixed occupancy with smoke showing. The Co lays in a line, BUT, their coats are open, suspenders are hanging at their knee's and NO packs. Luckily for the hero's it was a small fire in the basement of cardboard. So I don't want to know how you operate, frankly. Well atleast until your OSHA compliant. And we are running 1200 calls per year, and due to budget cut backs in the City of Buffalo, 36 Volie houses cover stations and back them as needed. So I get down on one knee to praise you... O God of Fire. As for zipping it, wont happen. Oh, did I mention that I was trained by a member of Squad 1 FDNY? So enjoy your day. And Just for added enjoyment explain this one....
Comment by Kevin Grace on December 6, 2010 at 4:17pm
Stay low brothers and let the smoke rise a bit....
Comment by WestPhilly on December 6, 2010 at 1:36pm
Don't hold back so much. (But you're gonna have to get back to me about that 700 building fires a year.)
Comment by Dave on December 6, 2010 at 12:17pm
Jason...let me get up off the floor, bowing to the 20 year vollie vet! Kudos to you for your 20 years as a vollie. In 7 years i will have my 20 years with the BFD, i know my 700 building fires a year my company averages, and the 2300 calls a year we average pales in comparison to the might 20 you have put in. One day i too wish to be as experienced as you......Then again, thats already too late for me, that happend 12.5 years ago! 98% of firefighters are vollie?? hmmm....last i read it was closer to 80%.....protecting 20% of the population. That leaves 20% of the firefighters protecting 80% of the populastion. I live in the city, which is 100% paid, infact if my house caught fire i would be responding. So your sadly wrong there. Frankly, for someone who obviously has no clue as to how we operate and frankly has very little real fire experience it would probably be best to zip it. I consider your 20 years equal to 20 weeks. Thank you very much, have a nice day.
Comment by WestPhilly on December 6, 2010 at 9:55am
Who and what "analysis" are you disagreeing with?
Comment by Pararescue on December 5, 2010 at 9:22pm
Well Dave, I disagree on you analysis, first off. Over 20 years as a Volunteer FF, I'd be willing to go head to head with anyone! Not to mention the Companies in a city the less fires they see. Most City Companies se a fire once in every two weeks. On average, the same as a "Volly" Dept. As for training, we're trained by the same instructors as Buffalo city firefighters. And train with Buffalo firefighters. Now for a very real statistic. 98.2% of firefighters in the U.S. are Volunteers! woah! As for your superiority complex, get over it. Your house is probably covered by a "Volly Dept."

@ Ralph, Lead follow or get outta the way. Anyone can say WP, and blindly follow the ignorant.
Comment by FETC on December 5, 2010 at 9:08pm
Whats so Questionable?

I'm with Dave. She did the best with what she had. Super steep pitch, and probably not a lefty and she had to swing off her left side due to the ladder placement. I know big macho guys that swing like a sissy off their opposite side. That pitch is a stick or tower application, suggest your ladder belt or a roof ladder to your IFSTA book. Dave mentioned, roof man sometimes shimmy the peak and get your job done just like the Detroit Truckie Video for which FFN ridiculed. Truck work is not easy and not for others to comment that have never done it.
Comment by Bradley Webb on December 5, 2010 at 5:50pm
Again another video where people who weren't there criticize the people who were putting the fire out. Stop the madness people! You weren't there in her position doing the job. Get over it. Worry about yourselves and let her worry about her. You can critize all you want but it's not going to do anything.

Again I see nothing wrong. Wind was blowing the smoke in the opposite direction so a BA is not really a problem, also did anybody think that she can possibly get off the ladder quicker without that extra weight?? Also I would have rather been on the stick than a roof ladder at that angle. To those who suggested a roof ladder, have you ever tried to stay on a roof ladder at the angle? It's not fun. And as for the helmet, I have taken off my helmet several dozen times because of restrictions. I keep my helmet loose on purpose so that when I put a mask on, I can put it on quicker. Maybe her helmet is kept loose like mine and she took it off cause it was about to fall off. WE DON'T KNOW UNLESS SHE GETS ON HERE HERSELF AND EXPLAINS IT, until then lighten up guys. Some of you sound like some safety officers trying to fix the world, ya can't do it!
Comment by WestPhilly on December 5, 2010 at 2:17pm
Dave (from West Roxbury),

The sooner you realize that the FFN sharpshooters (almost all vollies who fight fewer dwelling fires in a career than a lot of Boston guys do in six months) know more about firefighting than you do, the better off you'll be.

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