Boston Fire Department [member] of Ladder 29 opens the roof at a house fire on West Seldon St. in Mattapan.
Posted December 2, 2010.

The Fire Critic: House Fire in Boston. Female Firefighter Venting The Roof is Featured…For Some Reason.

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Comment by Mike "Lapo" Lapotasky on December 7, 2010 at 12:13pm
If you are operating on a roof and your helmet is not secured...YOU HAVE MADE A MISTAKE! Nobody is saying she should hang it up unless I missed a comment here...BUT...nevertheless...there may be reasons why...but there is NEVER a good excuse for being without a helmet...if it did fall could have injured a fellow firefighter couldn't it have? Exactly. Criticisms on this site are for our own learning and safety...don't like it...don't participate! PERIOD. Paper-City...please dude!
Comment by Mike "Lapo" Lapotasky on December 7, 2010 at 12:04pm
Hey Bradley!
1. BA is not optional when deployed anywhere on a working fireground except for the IC in most cases.
2. If you can't do the job with the weight of a pack on your back, then don't do the job.
3. Being gender blind in this service is important these days, but that is an unsafe venting op. PERIOD
4. The dangers for this job are real for everyone not just those that do or do not receive a paycheck!
5. WE ARE ALL BROTHERS! You clowns pointing fingers about paid this and vollie that are a disgrace!
6. Where is her damned helmet?!? Will you defend that too?

Jesus! And people want to know why we can't keep fire fatalities below 100 consistently.
If you screw up and live, don't bitch! Be happy to be alive and pray that people criticize your actions so that they learn from YOUR mistakes. Put down your egos gentlemen!
Comment by Dave on December 7, 2010 at 11:11am
"And we are running 1200 calls per year, and due to budget cut backs in the City of Buffalo, 36 Volie houses cover stations and back them as needed." Jason my nitwit buddy...i'm going to let you take this comment back before i post the email contradicting this statement from local 282!
Comment by Dave on December 7, 2010 at 11:08am
Fetc....This guy is a nitwit! A quick Email and i have all i need! He's a fraud....thats all i am going to say! =)
Comment by Dave on December 7, 2010 at 8:13am
Also my little NITWIT friend....FDNY and Boston do not have a love hate relationship. One should not talk about what one has NO CLUE ABOUT!!! ALSO...the inception of the FDNY was not 1648...but after a little war called the Revolutionary war....maybe you have heard of it? Since you know so much...tell me this.....Why does Boston have more former FDNY members then FDNY have Boston members?? Know of several people who went to the FDNY only to return to us when we hired. I'm sure sitting in your guard shack you'll have plenty of time to ponder that!
Comment by Dave on December 7, 2010 at 8:02am
Wow Jason....a guy from squad 1 taught you?? Where the hell is squad 1??? And why should we bow to you? As for the Show the Bravest.....Us in the BFD laugh at it constantly! If the show wanted a fire house that went to fires they would have gone to Grove Hall or Blue Hill Ave. You my fire envy friend is just a nitwit who couldnt put a fire out in an ashtray! Funny how i spoke to a few Buffalo sure you wanna claim you in Buffalo?? OSAH compliant?? This Comment sum you up....your and IDIOT!!!!!!! Take all you fake little training certs, and your FDNY instructor lead trainings, and the " I was Taught by a guy from squad 1" and do with it what you do best...dream about going to fires and touching yourself with that thought.......Have a super nice day working security...NITWIT!! =)
Comment by Pararescue on December 7, 2010 at 4:03am
Since the inception of the FDNY in 1648, they have been at the forefront of fire service innovations, techniques, and Operating Guidelines. Actually the FDNY and Boston fire departments have had a love hate relationship since time began. As for other Departments questioning Boston's or New York's techniques? It's as simple as innovation and foresight. Some see it as reckless, others, as a new alternative. The FDNY known for their Truck/Tower Ladder work is a work of art. But I have to give credit where credit is due, DAVE LOOK! lol Boston one up's and has second to none, the most competent and aggressive Truck Companies in the U.S. Boston gets a Triple Decker Fire and the first two Trucks have ground ladders place in mere minutes. Why? I'm glad you asked. Because if they took the 2-3 minutes to set up a mechanical ladder, people would die. But complacency on any Dept is when we start having LODD's. And that just ain't effin good enough. Boston has the "Jakes", Boston Ladder belt and the Boston hook. FDNY has the Tower Ladder, invention of the Haligan Bar and smooth bore nozzle. So in a nut shell... that's it. lol
Comment by Pararescue on December 7, 2010 at 4:00am
Since the inception of the FDNY in 1648, they have been at the forefront of fire service innovations, techniques, and Operating Guidelines. Actually the FDNY and Boston fire departments have had a love hate relationship since time began. As for other Departments questioning Boston's or New York's techniques? It's as simple as innovation and foresight. Some see it as reckless, others, as a new alternative. The FDNY known for their Truck/Tower Ladder work is a work of art. But I have to give credit where credit is due, DAVE LOOK! lol Boston one up's and has second to none, the most competent and aggressive Truck Companies in the U.S. Boston gets a Triple Decker Fire and the first two Trucks have ground ladders place in mere minutes. Why? I'm glad you asked. Because if they took the 2-3 minutes to set up a mechanical ladder, people would die. But complacency on any Dept is when we start having LODD's. And that just ain't effin good enough. Boston has the "Jakes", Boston Ladder belt and the Boston hook. FDNY has the Tower Ladder, invention of the Haligan Bar and smooth bore nozzle. So in a nut shell... that's it. lol
Comment by lutan1 on December 6, 2010 at 10:50pm
If Boston or FDNY are such busy departments, and have so much experience due to their workloads, why do so many people question their techniques and safety standards?

Either many members here (and other sites) have got it wrong, or maybe the busy workload has bred a culture of complacency.

Just wondering???? .
Comment by WestPhilly on December 6, 2010 at 9:18pm
My company only did 4,300 runs last year - and work out the ying yang - but what do I know?

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