Firemans drift on 8 ton fire engine.Perm.Russia

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Comment by SMOKEnPipesJim on February 12, 2009 at 5:52pm
This is the best driver training You can get for learning how to an 8 ton rig in Normal conditions for them.. NO one except the driver SEEMS to be in the rig and itsbeing done in a controled area, NO foot or vehiclular traffic, and you dont see TOTAL lack of control, or the rig up on two wheels as in that aussie response vid last year... its most likely the best way to learn to handle such appliances in the conditions they have to deal with.. Think about it would yourather be riding with someone who can handle the vehicle or someone whois going to Crap themselves and do something really stupid? I vote for the guy who has actually experianced a full blown spin out on ice
TO be honest, when you learn to drive, they dont teach you how to actually handle the vehicle in rain snow ice conditions, when one lives in an area and must deal with driving an 8 ton or 30 ton vehicle under "emergency conditions" one had better get a clue very quickly... One might say a video like this may be construed as just screwing around, I see it as a great training exercise This driver has a better chance of controling the vehicle then some panty waist, who is not capible or handling his vehicle... How many people were Killed in apparatus/appliance accidents last year alone? remove mechanical problems from the list and figure out how manywere caused by operators who just can't drive for real..
Now remove all the guys who live in the snow belt and know how to drive in it.. it isnt always what it seems is it? I always retrain myself when the snow falls and I have been driving commercial trucks including tractor trailers as well as apparatus for over 30 years
Comment by Brandon on February 12, 2009 at 11:41am
Lmao, i love it
Comment by RUS fire 86.10 on February 12, 2009 at 11:12am
Anthony Smith
Hey you have a problem?? If you do not like that then you can just shut up.
Yes only in Russia, and that???
I do not understand why the differences?? We are fighting for a common cause, even if you live in different countries and speak different languages.
The guys just have fun and I certainly understand that the U.S. did not do.
For example in Russia, too, can not understand why you're so long to call
Comment by Anthony Smith on February 10, 2009 at 9:58pm
i agree with the first comment u have big balls to post that all over the world u idots , u know what people are going to think about this , unreal is all i can say

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