This is a video of the last call for Fire Chief Ernest "Pete" Hoch. He was the Fire Chief of the Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company, Moore Township, Pa for more than 40 years. Chief Hoch was an Icon in the volunteer fire service, who can never be replaced. He was loved and admired by so many, and will be sadly missed. On a personal note, I had so much admiration for this man. There was no kinder nor caring man than Pete Hoch. His department neighbored mine, and we worked together many times. In the beginning of the video, you'll hear Northampton County 911 Center page out Chief Hoch for his last call. Also, if you listen to the radio in the background during the video, you'll hear our station (52) get called away from the ceremony for an accident with injuries. At first I felt horrible we had to leave, but then I realized that Pete would have had it no other way. Saving and helping people in his community was Pete's life's work. Good Bye Chief.....

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Comment by Stacy Hoch on December 6, 2008 at 8:55am
Thank you for posting this, He was a great man, he was my friend , my hero and my father. We hope he loved his send off. In answer to FETC the building we went around was our fire station. He spent most of his life there and we felt we needed to take him for a last ride around, whenever he went away he drove around the building to make sure everything was okay. I miss him every day and loved him with all my heart.
Comment by Randy on August 4, 2008 at 6:34am
Godspeed Chief Hoch and God Bless.
Comment by Lisa on August 3, 2008 at 1:05pm
Damn...that really made me cry. Thank you for that video. Im sorry for your loss.
Comment by FETC on August 3, 2008 at 10:41am
Just curious, were you not allowed to set up the crossed ladders and flag in the road? It appears you had to take a detour to go around a business and pass underneath in someones parking lot. We do it right in the city street, and close the road for the procession.

Godspeed, Chief Hoch.

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