At the very beginning, you will see 2 firefighters enter without a hoseline, then a 3rd masks up and enters. There was a hoseline stretched inside the front door, but these guys entered without water during near flashover conditions. It takes almost an entire minute for the line to be charged. Why take the heat and almost DIE? For a crusty coooool helmet? This IS how our LODD's happen.

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Comment by Salli aka Sam on October 16, 2008 at 2:08pm
Where is the safety iofficer? Unbelievable!!! It really makes you wonder where these firefighters heads were at on this call....And why are none of the chiefs pulling them back until the line was charged? Duh!!!!
Comment by Will2745 on October 16, 2008 at 5:31am
was this a working fire or a training drill? Either way, its just plain stupid to enter a building that involved without water,,,
Comment by A.J. on October 15, 2008 at 11:57pm
what the heck back to basics people it isnt that hard. why even risk it. if one of my officers even told me to go into somthing like that without a charged hoseline. i would laugh at him and tell him he is nuts.
Comment by 144Truck on October 15, 2008 at 9:59pm
Absolutey lack of thinking on THAT job.... Good grief. The house appears to be FUBAR well before any charged lines were available. Absent of a known trapped occupant and going to make a very quick sweep of the barely marginally tenable portion of the dwelling, they appear to be risking a lot to gain nothing. Three or four members venting the roof without a roof ladder in place on an obviously well involved building is scary as well.
Comment by Terry Smith on October 15, 2008 at 5:27pm
Wow! For a no-brainer situation someone sure suffered a brain-fart on that call. No Safety Officer or SOP's? Like, who's on first? Real lucky crew on that one.

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