Terry Smith
  • 73, Male
  • Wisconsin
  • United States
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  • Travis Bowers
  • doug haney
  • Cindy Devone-Pacheco, FireRescue
  • Bobby Hill
  • jesse wright
  • Mick Shelley
  • Trish
  • Stacy
  • RetCGGirl
  • Corey
  • Kelly Stanley-Huddleston
  • Stefanie
  • Chris Turner

Terry Smith's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Safety Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
22yrs/Fire & EMS/Retired
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
City of Onalaska Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
City of Onalaska Water/Sewer Department.
My Training:
Too numerous to list right now. Will later!
About Me:
Retired, due to injuries, just before 9/11. Now...I'm a writer! Short stories,memoir; life & fire experiences. Magazines, anthology's, newspapers."America's Heartland Remembers, Spirit of America, The People Book, The Wisconsin Academy Review and LaCrosse Magazine." At this time I'm working on a few of my own books. And now, I'm an AML (Leukemia) survior, for good I hope.
Now my granddaughter is going for an Associate (EMT/EMS) Degree and then into the Emergency Services (Ambulance/Firefighter) field. I can live with that. I don't know where she picked up on that vocation? :)

I'm German/Dad (Smith,Prise); Irish,Scottish, English,Cherokee/Mom (Williams, Bradley, Linam,Teague,Hodges) Oh yes, a certain Irish President O'Bama is my cousin; through each of our mother's branches of our family tree's. And now I know that Thomas Jefferson was a cousin through my cousin Robert E. Lee. It really is a small world! And, now I know that 11 other President's are distant cousin's.Plus Princess Diana, Winston Churchill and Robert the Bruce I & II. :) I wonder if the Pres. and my other cuz, Hank Williams Jr., are aware of these historical tidbits? It actually goes on and on, but I'll stop there.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I just had to; after watching the Onalaska department fight our middleshool fire and just after my mom died at 47 from a brain tumor. Plus, when I was a little kid in Waukegan, Illinois, the fire chief lived next door and was always saving me from fires and explosions; usually from moments of my own stupidity; like, when I tried to develop rocket fuel for my own rocket. Then, after a tornado hit our house and others, he put his big, heavy white chief's helmet on my 6 year old head and told me to keep it - telling me that someday I was going to be a firefighter - if I didn't burn the neighborhood down first. Four years later, after the rocket fuel explosion, he retired and moved to Florida. Yes, the neighborhood's still there! And, contrary to some rumors, I had nothing to do with "The Great Chicago Fire." I was nowhere near that barn. :) Now that was O'Leary's. Maybe Denis Leary was at that one? :)
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Brotherhood/Sisterhood! Once its in your blood, its forever!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Staffing, funding, Insurance, training and recognition. Especially for volunteers!

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At 4:56pm on June 7, 2009, Spider Kramer said…
Mitakuye Oyasin! Welcome
At 12:12pm on April 6, 2009, Cindy Devone-Pacheco, FireRescue said…
Thanks for the kind words, Terry. Yours is probably the best Firefighter Nation profile photo I've seen yet!
At 4:32pm on March 2, 2009, jesse wright said…
Sláinte Mhath
At 9:18pm on March 1, 2009, jesse wright said…
just a quick question. i knew a terry smith who was a fire fighter from a online gaming "clan". are you Firebarn20?? hit me back!!
At 11:33pm on October 25, 2008, Kelly Stanley-Huddleston said…
thought i would say hi!. did a huge event today to raise funds for a new program in a tennessee! what a huge success. hope you are well and stay safe!
At 9:10pm on October 12, 2008, RetCGGirl said…
I just love your picture of your dog! Hope your weekend was great!
Blessings, Lisa
At 5:52pm on October 12, 2008, Kelly Stanley-Huddleston said…
p.s. you need to confirm the friend request.... you are not in my "friends" list yet.. thanks
At 5:49pm on October 12, 2008, Kelly Stanley-Huddleston said…
well i did join a few groups.. just a good way to network and work together to solve situations that may be similar in other parts of the country. i hope to reach as many people as i can with my platform "Ignite Your Passion For Fire Safety" hope you had a good weekend!.. K
At 1:14am on October 10, 2008, Kelly Stanley-Huddleston said…
thanks for the welcome!... love the profile pic too!. i have been really busy all over the state doing fire prevention! The state is currently number 2 in the nation in fire deaths! i was in memphis the week before last and reached 6500 kids... and now workign in middle tennessee. hope you and your family are well.... mine... well we are just drained.. smiles.

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