Jeff Ripley's Comments

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At 5:05pm on October 22, 2008, Danny said…
Whats up....its getting cooler need a warm drink hehe..maybe some jack or a little capt laughter...i think a end of summer party is in store...
At 5:34pm on October 15, 2008, Bonnie said…
Squeek squeek.
At 9:18pm on October 8, 2008, Michele said…
Hi Jeff,
Our fire action must of headed northwest of us. We had hardly any fires. (course, i could chalk that up to my awesome prevention program. lol) But we just got lucky was all.
Yep, know all about the training schedule. I'm headed to Bend, Or tomorrow for an EMS Conference for the weekend. Gotta collect those recert hours. ugh
Stay safe my friend!
At 12:14pm on October 8, 2008, Jordan said…
Good. I am really enjoying A&P. The first class I have gotten excited about and actually wanted to attend since recruit school :) Plus it is nice only having to go to school 2 days a week. How's things goin over at the FTC?
At 2:59pm on October 6, 2008, Jordan said…
Work, work, work! Such is life :) I am going to Portland this weekend for a MUCH needed vacation. I happen to work all day Friday because there is no school. Bummer! We shall try again soon. I have a few things for you from Shell, T-Shirt and such.
At 9:29pm on October 2, 2008, Jordan said…
Coffee?????? :)
At 2:48am on September 29, 2008, Bonnie said…
Watch out, I think there is a little mouse driving a bus heading your way!
At 6:11pm on September 16, 2008, RevTam said…
Hello Stranger..... just wanted to stop by and say TAG your it....Photobucket
At 5:22pm on September 13, 2008, Danny said…
Yea but He brings out the fun in fun crazy to another Keep it real capt..
At 1:08pm on September 3, 2008, Bonnie said…
I am going to have to agree with Danny. You are a bit crazy!
At 2:18pm on August 30, 2008, Jeff Ripley said…
Call me crazy, Dan-o!
At 6:54pm on August 27, 2008, Danny said…
Well "Well its the capt stallion..just stoppen in to leave some tire marks on your page to show i was here take it easy you crazy kid lol...
At 10:23pm on August 17, 2008, Bonnie said…
Hey there crazy kid. How was the fire? I sure would have liked to been up there with you! Boy howdy it sure is hot! Sorry I missed you this weekend. I was at Grandma's funeral in Spokane. Before that I worked a 48. We were so busy! We were running back to back most of the day Friday. I kept thinking I would have a minute to call you. I finally got a break about 2am. You probably wouldn't have been too excited to hear from me then! Talk to ya soon!
At 5:12pm on August 16, 2008, Don Zimmerman said…
Looked real pretty from my house. Looked like whoever the IC was had done it before. I like how it was a WFU fire instead of emergency type. You should have gone for the rest of the hill and got it all done. One of these days I would like to come back to the county, but I want a full time slot. When do you think the powers to be will start have looking at division chiefs and ops chiefs full time with all the consolidation stuff. If $$ were right I would consider. With the new knee and the weight lose I am feel like I just got a new lease on life.
At 4:39pm on August 16, 2008, Capt.Alex Arnold said…
it's actually rescue 33. it was OE error. The responder was "not thinking obviously!" He misjugded (an icy corner) and fish tailed in to the deep ditch. If anyone had been with they would have been killed. The truck wiped out a 3' on the butt pine and crushed the passenger side. The driver has decided that he would leave the district. But you should see the replacement. :) It's pretty sweet, but I'll always miss the "big pig". Always nice to meet local guys. Who knows maybe we'll bump into each other down there. We are always mobin to that area for those lovely large grass fires you all get. Talk at you later. Be safe and learn something new today.
At 5:21am on August 10, 2008, Danny said…
Hey badger 2 command #2 hope the weather info helped ya..did any of that hit ya as it went through...we just got pounded at work by the rain and the hail the wind wasnt too bad but it wasnt close to 70 mph that they had predicted...had another great overnighter with the boyd n harris fire trips LLC..good times glad someone was able to get sleep and come out to take over later..after doing standby and runnen errands for the station to going to work and going on fires and then work it was about 40 hrs sleepless..i was happy to get off work n go to sleep..
At 12:07am on August 8, 2008, Don Zimmerman said…
just got back from a 4 mile walk on under an hour, my legs are killing me. The best part is the knee feels great pain free.
At 4:40pm on August 1, 2008, Danny said…
Capt hope ya have a good weekend out in the open wild since you won't be caged up in your know the LT fillen your spot hehe will have big shoes to try n fill...
At 3:28pm on August 1, 2008, Michele said…
If you see Barry "General Colin Powell", please tell him I said "hi". Yes, we work with WWCo and F&W mainly on wildland fires in the unincorporated areas northwest of my district. Thankfully, we don't see those guys too often, usually on the bigger fires in the unincorporated areas and for things like the Navy Jet crash a couple of years ago. I'm not sure what other departments require for wildland training. We require S130, S131 and S190 minimum. I have a few guys with much more experience from departments like CDF which comes in handy.
At 11:52am on July 31, 2008, Michele said…
Hi Jeff,
My dept. is very typical of those surrounding Kennewick. Helix is a map dot of a town. My district is 35 square miles and roughly populated with 600 people. We have two stations, one in Helix proper and one out by me in Juniper Canyon, which is north near the wind turbines. Speaking of which all the OR turbines from the Stateline Wind Farm are in my district. My annual budget is about $65K which has doubled in the past five years thanks to the turbine's tax base. We run 8 pieces of apparatus, one structure engine, two water tenders, one quick attack and four brush engines. As you probably figured out, vegetation fires are our primary incident like most surrounding dept's.
I met a fireman from Benton City at the National Fire Academy about 3 or 4 years ago by the name of Barry Orth. Just wondered if you knew him and if he was still around.
Take care!

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