Capkurt's Comments

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At 8:57pm on April 18, 2008, Horst said…
Oh sorry..I only made it too 52 out of 840 pages. IF the case you were 53, I must have missed you. Sure, you're name is German too. I'm interested in hearing about your German roots. Thanks for responding. Be safe.
At 10:42pm on April 4, 2008, Firestorm said…
onyxwarriorgoddess...and if you are really adventurous im on as onyxnthor...there r some pretty hot flix there
At 5:01pm on April 4, 2008, susan said…
Hope ypu are having a great day. Just got home from the golf course, we had a tournament today. The weather here today is crappy, it started out at about 76% this morning, its been raining and the temp now is 60%. I left for work today in shorts and flipflops,and was freezing when i left work. You know the odd thing about that run was that the guy did not smell of burnt flesh,yes he was badly burnt but the doctors are saying that his skin was peeled back by the presseur of the explosion, he is still alive, but it is a day to day thing. Last night went to a stroke class at the hospital,they flew out our new helicopters (Life Flight) it was pretty cool, i got to do a shift with them a while back, can not wait to do another, those people are great!!!! How has your week been?
At 3:01pm on April 3, 2008, susan said…
Glad you are back and sounds like you had fun!! Did you forget about the "sunblock?" Well we had a little excitement last thursday, there was an explosion in the town where i am an emt, it was the first one i have been on, our pt's body was 95% burnt! He was a trooper,he was talking to us the whole time, my heart went out to him, he just wanted more morphine. life flight took him downtown to the best burn unit. I have seen burned people before but not that bad and still be alive. All we could so for him was to keep him calm, the explosion blew his clothes off of him, the only part that was not burned was his bicepts and his feet, but his foot had a bad cut,It moved the building a foot off its foundation. It was all over the news for a couple of days,it even made the world news! Other than that its been really quite.
At 10:01pm on March 30, 2008, susan said…

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hey how have you been?
At 5:24pm on March 25, 2008, susan said…
stopping by Hey how is everything with ya? Yal been busy? I have been really busy at the golf course, with all this beautiful weather everyone wants to play golf. It has not been busy on the box. Hope you and your family are fine. ttys
At 5:58pm on March 19, 2008, susan said…
Easter have a great one
At 2:09pm on March 19, 2008, Jen said…
At 6:56pm on March 18, 2008, Brad Duncan said…
whats going on
Capkurt how are things
At 1:47pm on March 18, 2008, susan said…
SPRING TIME IN TEXAS sharing a little Texas Spring with ya!!!
At 6:27pm on March 17, 2008, susan said…
good for you all those days off,you should be good and rested. Well we hav been lying by the pool for the last few days, Saturday was 87!!! No snow down here! Have yal been busy? ttys
At 3:15pm on March 16, 2008, susan said…
No. not doing anything, just working!! Hope you had a great weekend. Hows the weather there, it has been really warm here. Today it was really windy! Yal been busy?
At 9:35am on March 13, 2008, susan said…
At 5:19pm on March 10, 2008, Brad Duncan said…
hello Capkurt how are you today we are not doing to good here we lost anther firefighter today in a house fire in Quebec canada
At 5:13pm on March 10, 2008, Lori Wagner said…
No problem, we can never have too many friends. Yes, all of the animals are mine. The dogs eat more than the horses, about 100lbs. every 3 wks. They are very spoiled and very loyal. My kids also "love" to clean up after the dogs, I just remind them that I clean up after them EVERYDAY! Take care...
At 4:50pm on March 10, 2008, susan said…
Hey Buddy, Almost time for Fla!!!!! Well today we have had rain and now its cold and wet!!! Its been really windy here (March Winds). Yesterday we hd 217 golfers so we were really busy. Have yal been busy? The Box has not been to busy lately. We already have wild flowers popping up all around, it means that spring is on its way!!!YEA! you stay safe and alert! Has you wife been down here lately? ttys
At 4:42pm on March 10, 2008, Lori Wagner said…
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by. I always say, the bigger the dog, the better. Have a safe and wonderful week...
At 12:53pm on March 10, 2008, susan said…
stopping by How are things going? Any snow lately
At 5:35pm on March 6, 2008, Dawn said…
Wentworth is on the other side of South Dakota. It is about 50 north of Sioux Falls. It's a small town... population 150!
At 10:03am on March 6, 2008, Brad Duncan said…
hello whats going on for today

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