Brad Duncan's Comments

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At 8:24pm on April 15, 2008, Jackie said…
hope all your tests went well yesterday...hope you start feelin better soon.......
At 7:08pm on April 14, 2008, Brittney Miller said…
my weekend went way too fast!! Other than that it was great, how about yours?
At 6:58pm on April 14, 2008, Brittney Miller said…
I am doing well, how about yourself?
At 8:35pm on April 13, 2008, Christina said…
Hey brother!!! Thanks for adding me<3 Take care and be safe out there:)
At 7:40pm on April 13, 2008, Brittney Miller said…
Thank you so much!
At 7:29pm on April 13, 2008, Devil Witch said…
very long and busy
At 7:18pm on April 13, 2008, Devil Witch said…
Thanks for the welcome..Now i just gotta edit my bio and hopfully have more pictures up.
At 4:39pm on April 13, 2008, amanda said…
wats wrong with your health? thats not something i wanna hear, i want my brothers and sisters to bea healthy. it happens though. take care of yourself, you hear. cant overdo it ya know. i am interested in anything you have. runnning really low on funds right now though. have alot going on right now.
At 2:06pm on April 12, 2008, Todd Duncan said…
doing pretty good. teaching a hazmat tech class this and next weekend. stayingbusy... stay safe,
At 4:28pm on April 11, 2008, amanda said…
im doing pretty good. how are you? im waiting for this nasty weather to blow over so i can get some runs. behaving yourself i hope? lol
At 9:49am on April 11, 2008, Kevin said…
5 days off starting today
At 8:35pm on April 10, 2008, Jackie said…
Hey how are you feelin today? better I hope :)
At 5:59pm on April 10, 2008, Debbie said…
Hey Brad..I'm about you? just read Wayne's comment..your back? ...hope all is well hun..
At 9:29am on April 9, 2008, Kevin said…
Good morning Brad

Things here are good, not too busy the past few days - wishes, wishes.

Are you right in Simcoe? Or the surrounding area?
At 11:36pm on April 8, 2008, dawn said…
no...the lungs the first time clear, the fall, and the lungs call back and full.....
At 7:43pm on April 8, 2008, Katie Pressley said…
thats not good, hope you get better
At 7:31pm on April 8, 2008, Katie Pressley said…
Good How About You
At 7:05pm on April 8, 2008, dawn said…
not much at all fluid filled lungs, a poss. broken shoulder from a fall, and a 1 yr. od shoved a balloon up his nose, so we pulled it out!
hope al is well for u it dosent sound good, pain never is hope it all pans out well for you, let me know, you are in my thughts!
At 6:45pm on April 8, 2008, dawn said…
I'm ok. a little tired.... but i'll make it! how are you?
At 5:36pm on April 8, 2008, dawn said…
Hello to you and thank you! u take care as well.

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