A lot of people look to me for solutions to their recruitment and retention challenges. The fact is, we know what the answers are.
Join me for a conversation about the future of the volunteer fire service as I've signed on with
Fire-Rescue Magazine (
http://www.firefighternation.com/profile/FireRescueMagazine) to present a live web cast titled: "From the X-Box to the Box Alarm: Recruitment and Retention for Tomorrow’s Volunteer Fire Service."
This free interactive presentation will be posted on November 19 at 2pm EST and participants will have the opportunity to ask me questions, live.
This Webcast is based on my blog/magazine article: "
From the X-Box to the Box Alarm" and will help you understand how to work with the next generation of fire service leaders to improve recruitment and retention in your volunteer or combination fire department. It will present a three-tiered model to effective recruitment and retention operations while also discussing elements of a high-quality volunteer fire service organization, including leadership, effective internal and external communications, recognition and rewards, and high-quality training.
Call them Gen Y, Millenials, WebGens, NextGens, Generation Whine, Baby Busters, Nexters, Echo Boomers or whatever you like. They’re often characterized as a self-entitled bunch of slackers who don't want to pay their dues-not exactly the model we've promoted in the fire service for the last couple hundred years. But understand them or not, like them or not, they’re the future of the fire service.
The survival and success of the volunteer fire service relies on our ability to embrace the next generation and create more opportunities ... for more people ... to volunteer less time. The job that once took 10 people 10 hours a week to accomplish may now take 20 people who only have 5 hours a week to give you.
So, join me for this engaging presentation where I'll try to convince you that we already know what the solutions are. The only remaining question is: What are you going to do about it?
Click here:
http://www.firefighternation.com/events/from-the-xbox-to-the-box-alarm to register at FirefighterNation. There is no cost to register or participate.
Download, print, post and distribute the
Webcast Flyer.pdfX-Box/Box Alarm Webcast flyer
Tiger Schmittendorf
Tiger Schmittendorf is responsible for coordinating the training of 97 fire departments and more than 5,000 firefighters. Schmittendorf is a nationally certified fire instructor and has been a firefighter since 1980 and is well known for his focus on recruitment and retention in the volunteer fire service. He served most recently as a leader on the unified command team that managed the recovery from the crash of Continental Flight 3407 in Clarence Center, N.Y. Connect with him on
FirefighterNation.com or visit his blog at:
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