Well I am still all pumped up about this last call I went on and yes after 1 hour of being out there I have admit I NEVER even made it to the call. It all began as my pager goes off as I am ready to drop off a returned movie at walmart. I am stoked I hear blah blah blah "oriole dr" blah blah blah exploded propane tank blah blah. I type in the address in my gps AWESOME it pinpoints it and says 8 MILES!!! WHAT!! I know crazy but i start hauling it down the road red lights a flashing. After the windy PAVED road ends after 6 miles I come up one still paved but one lane rd. Well i have learned now anytime there are signs for CAMPGROUNDS those are not good roads. So far all good though and I am making good time not a red light in site im sure to be FIRST ON!!! YEAH!! Now this is when I made my first mistake of the night. Nice lady sticks her head out a trailer i say do you know where blah blah blah drive is.... she is like oh yeah..... take that left and drive around 3 or 4 miles up that mountain! Now the term up a mountain i understood that to include a road that gradually inclines with breath taking view and lots of pull offs for traffic to keep flowing. Lets just say the road i drove up was definitely breath taking. ONE LANE... MUD PUDDLES THAT SUNK MY TIRES ALL THE WAY IN AND COVERED MY TITAN WITH MUD!! So I drive up 2 miles hear nothing except for me and a few groundhogs and start thinking THIS HAS TO BE WRONG. Then I hear the sounds of a 4 wheel drive truck that seriously i dont think one fender was the same color as the others. Here comes next mistake...... I STUPIDLY stop my truck get out and ask guy does he know where address is ... he says oh "hell yeah" keep on up this road... oh and btw up here a little further it gets a little bumpy!! I was thinking what the hell do you call the first 2 miles. So hear i go further up a mountain road that at times i felt as if the front end of my truck met the back end in some of the curves mud flying everywhere... RED LIGHTS STILL GOING. FInally the gps announces "You have arrived at your destination on the right" Well the only thing that was on my right was two trees, a pile of rocks followed by a 30 ft decline down a mountain to a stream. I stop the truck my "redneck friend" still behind me goes hmmmm..... you know I could be wrong the numbers might go the other way it might have been that first drive way when you started up this road. Now lucky for the dude I didnt have the shotgun in my truck like he did. So with no radio signal/ no cell phone signal, i had to continue down road further to find a turn around. By now I am already exhausted and havent even got to see any FIRE YET!! By the time i got back off that mountain from hell, (FYI DRIVING DOWN A MOUNTAIN IS JUST AS HARD AS DRIVING UP ONE) no fire trucks to be seen. I finally get back on the main road after a 45 MINUTE ADVENTURE and hear the routine sound "truck 12 back at quarters" I could have died up there in: deliverance" and my own squad wouldn't have even known i was there!! So it is late, I sit here planning my Saturday, now knowing it will start off with a trip to the TRUCK WASH and I say what can my fellow firefighters learn from this story. Well here is the moral i take from it.....Cell phone worthless, radio worthless, gps DEFINITELY worthless, red neck truck driver worthless, AWESOME FIRE CALL STORY PRICELESS!!!

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Comment by Roy Walker on May 20, 2009 at 1:33am
Did you check his cab for a banjo
Comment by Paul Montpetit on May 16, 2009 at 6:21pm
Hey did he ask you if you could "squeal like a pig..?"......LOL Paul
Comment by Brian Dumser on May 16, 2009 at 3:16pm
Comment by Chad Furr on May 16, 2009 at 10:17am
Sorry for your misfortune that is too funny. Glad to herar you didnt die up theree with Bubba.

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