Earlier today I had the pleasure of joining lots of other folks who participating in the dedication of a new fire station for the North Boston Volunteer Fire Company in the Town of Boston, NY.
As I was sitting here remembering the ground breaking ceremony they held last fall, I was reminded of how proud I am to be associated with their fire company.
Many times when we discuss incident management, training and collaboration in emergency services — we refer to the Three Cs of: Coordination, Communications and Cooperation. For a small rural fire department, the North Boston Volunteer Fire Company (the NBFC) is far ahead of the curve when it comes to the Three Cs.
Those three Cs have become the hallmark for their operations for 105 years. Internally with their members and externally with their citizens, North Boston has always taken the lead in effectively communicating with their constituents. They’ve succeeded in coordinating their efforts with those they serve with and have made a career out of cooperating with others towards a common goal.
North Boston’s greatest success is built on the Fourth ‘C’ that some of us too often forget: Community.
Read the rest of the story at:
View the dedication ceremony photos at:
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