Lately my vollie department has begun placing a lot of emphasis on RIT teams and calling, and responding to the MAYDAY. At my career dept. we've been training on this for years. My question to everyone is this: Why is it that we're now spending so much time on teaching each other how to get out of this situations AFTER the fact? Why is it that we don't spend more time as a family and service teaching each other how to avoid, or recognize the factors and warning signs that can put us in these situations to begin with? Don't get me wrong, RIT is an essential function that needs to be filled, and we can't anticipate every situation that can arrise. However I believe we can begin to be more proactive at the training level to help prevent these events before they happen. Gimme some feed back.

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Comment by Jr on December 9, 2008 at 2:16am
I agree whole hartedly with you there...Good basic skills and knowledge and an eaven better Risk analasys is the recipe to avoid a whole lot of trouble in the first place.
Comment by Bill Mulligan on December 6, 2008 at 2:52pm
I agree also if we train our young firefighters to read conditions and be aware of there surroundings we can help them avoid trouble. Our fire duty has gotten so low now it takes alot longer for a new firefighter to gain the knowledge of older firefighters. I also feel that mayday training should start at the earliest level of training. I have heard of some areas not giving mayday of safety and surivial training until a fire 2 class that some departments due not make manditory for all firefighters. If you start young firefighters off with good habits they will build on them. As a whole we have to change the mind set from reactive to proactive.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on December 6, 2008 at 12:53pm
I agree...we get so wrapped up on the latest/greatest that we often ignore the basics...we just started drilling on many basics and you would be amazed at the stuff the oldhats don't know...and I am talking about what is where on some of the trucks......BASICS....they will save your a_ses......Paul

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