The lexington ky, firefighter who was caught w/ child porn.... your thoughts.

My thoughts are this, anyone who looks or down loads child porn is a chester "child molester" in my book. I have 4 kids, a 16 yr old daughter, an11 yr ols boy, a 7 yr old boy and a 5 yr old pumkin girl. From what i read in the artical was that the things downloaded was 12 and under w/ adults, and i got real sick to my stomach reading this news artical, all i could think was my little girl being forced to do things and cry and ask for her daddy to save her. I tell you all this i would go to prison w/ my head held high if i ever caught any sicko touching my kids. I would honestly lose my witts about me and let the wrath of god go through my hands and what ever objects i found laying on the ground to make this person suffer. just my opinion. And do apologize if i have offended anyone.

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Comment by Shelby Bracken on September 3, 2010 at 11:05am
Fire fighter or not, that fact doesnt matter. The thought of any one watching videos like that makes me wonder about the people in this world. Its just sick.
Comment by JOE AUSTIN on September 2, 2010 at 1:08am
Comment by Rusty Mancini on September 1, 2010 at 6:53pm
Hopefully this guy didn't go any further than the sick act of viewing the child porn, if you know what I mean! I've lived this nightmare personally with one of my children. Believe me, I wanted to send the guy to hell with vengeance.

With the intervention of some good friends, they brought me to my senses. This person should be prosecuted to the full extent!! I don't care who you are, firefighter or not!! I here ya" David.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on September 1, 2010 at 7:30am
He should be tried and if convicted thrown out of the Fire service and sent to prison....He would not have to worry about going to prison if my children were involved....He wouldn't live long enough to get there....In my book there is nothing lower than a child molester and that's exactly what this animal is....
Comment by lutan1 on September 1, 2010 at 1:39am
Agree, but does it make a difference if he's a firefighter? M ethinks this a no brainer discussion....

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