Stations closed as Atlanta firefighters call in sick

As reported by the Atl journal on Sunday 1 Feb 09

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Stations closed as Atlanta firefighters call in sick

Updated: 7:25 p.m. February 01, 2009

Stations closed as Atlanta firefighters call in sick

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Declaring the Atlanta Fire Department in “an extremely vulnerable situation” because of a wave of firefighter absenteeism, Chief Kelvin J. Cochran on Sunday ordered five stations temporarily closed.

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• Atlanta and Fulton County news Fire stations were closed in Buckhead, Candler Park, the Donald Hollowell Parkway area, Cleveland Avenue and the Cascade area.

Cochran said 27 firefighters called in sick Sunday, more than double that of a usual day. He said he did not know if the increase was sort of a “blue flu” or “political statement” but added that firefighters call in sick more often on a payday weekend with a holiday or a big event like the Super Bowl.

Lt. Jim Daws, head of the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 134, which represents Atlanta firefighters, said there is no blue flu or Super Bowl-related goofing off.

“This is just a normal consequence of the budget cuts,” Daws said. “The conditions the city is asking firefighters to work under plus an 18 percent pay cut is adding to absenteeism. I’m not surprised absenteeism is up.”

He said the 18 percent is a combination of furloughs and overtime being cut.

“There is no buffer in the staffing scene,” he said. “We can expect more of this.”

Sunday’s absenteeism caused the department to shut down seven pieces of equipment and close five stations as it rearranged staffing to high-call and high-risk areas, Cochran said.

The normal citywide minimum staffing to operate is 147 firefighters, he said. That allows each truck to be manned by three firefighters. On Sunday, there were 131 firefighters on duty.

Budget cuts in a city strapped for cash has caused the department to furlough employees, cut overtime and leave unfilled spots open. Two other firehouses were previously closed, one for the rest of the year and one permanently.

Candler Park Neighborhood Organization President Amy Stout said Sunday she was keeping her fingers crossed that a fire didn’t break out in her home.

“I don’t know what I’d do,” she said. “I do have some rain barrels.”

Fellow Candler Park resident Bill Murphy shared her frustration.

“I don’t see what we can do to get the city’s attention,” he said. “I just feel helpless. … We pay really heavy taxes and feel we deserve the same services as anyone.”

Murphy lives four houses from the closed Candler Park fire station.

Stout said the next nearest station is four miles away.

Murphy’s wife, Maureen Wilce, said the city isn’t taking the issue seriously enough. Wilce serves as the recording secretary for the Candler Park Neighborhood Organization.

“I am really distressed in general,” Wilce said. “The city has taken such a casual attitude. This is very, very upsetting. The in-town neighborhoods are just overlooked.”

She was especially concerned over a shortfall on Super Bowl Sunday, saying, “With all the parties, it’s going to be a busy evening for safety issues.”

Wilce said she doesn’t understand why public safety is always the first target during budget crunches.

“The sheer number of people who seem to have nothing to do in the planning department seems to me could be trimmed,” she said. “Administrative positions could be looked at.”

Stout agreed.

“I know there is no money,” Stout said. “And you can’t get blood from a turnip. But I’d rather see the city do something else than close our stations.”

Cochran said he hoped the department would be back to its normal operation Monday.

“We are on the edge of our seats hoping nothing bad will happen in the areas where we have station closings,” Cochran said. “Today is one of those uncomfortable days.”

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Comment by CW on February 3, 2009 at 9:09am
Yeah, the city (and their budget) is pretty "mess up" right now, police dept going through the same problems. But the Mayor Supports them a whole lot better, than she does with the Fire side.
Comment by BillySFCVFD on February 2, 2009 at 10:15am
Sounds like a political plunder in handling funds. Maybe Atlanta needs to convert to combo depts. TCSS

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