rescue can be seen in so many different levels from very small to very big but the one thing that most rescues have in common is that it takes alot of training to accomplesh the common goal of learning how to deal with each incident as its own and how you can learn from each and every one. to be a rescuer it is not about how much schooling you have or how long you have been in the service its about how you understand how to midigate the problem. it is also the manor that is use to accomplesh this goal and what it really takes it enginuiety it dont take the best firefighter in the world it only takes a person to understand that with each action you take could injure or help the person you are trying to help. but you have to have nerve to be a rescuer because there may come a time when you go to a call and it is one of your friends or even a family member or even worse one of your kids and you have to learn how to be able to control your emotions. as well as your auctions because there is not going to be some one there to hold your hand and tell you what to do you have to do it for yourself.

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