if you were old enough to remember 9/11/2001 you will never forget it I was sitting in class when the whole thing unfolded and the first thing that went through my mind when that building collapsed was all those fire fighter had to give there lives when they least expected it in a event that could have never happened. this hole thing could have been avoided but there is no reason to point blame on anybody but it shows how a persons life can be cut short when they least expected it that building should have never collapsed but it did and that was why thousands of people lost there lives that day and it should be imprinted into peoples minds everyday and not to be for gotten the pride in the three fire fighters that raised there countries flag over the wreckage I feel that it is wrong to alter that to try to show ethnic diversity we have had many arguments over that but I will discuss that in another post. but this is an event where it show that the fire fighters and the ems professionals did there jobs even though it took everything from them

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