Mine is not to ask why. mine is just to do and die. This is a statement that someone wrote to figure out why cerntain people can get away with stuff while others have to follow what was said. This was not a question to be answered but but it goes back to the last blog i posted. If you are told by an officer to take a cadet into a house that you know will fall down on you but that was the order the good thing is t was luck nothing happened.

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Comment by Scott on April 1, 2009 at 11:59am
OK I still don't see the question here. If your question is what do you do when your IC is an idiot sending you into an untenable situation with untrained or under trained people? That should be an easy one to figure out.
Comment by Chief Tal Mong on March 31, 2009 at 8:21pm
It depends on what you are asked to do and if it falls within a discipline you have been trained in. Being a firefighter is a tough busness, and sometimes the ultimate sacrafice is bestowed on some of our brothers and sisters. It's what makes us different than all other occupations. When we go to work, there's a chance someone may not be coming back. It is the responsibility of each firefighter to prepare themselves for battle. Through training, ICS,RIT/Save your own and a good accountability system. These systems are mandated for your safety and the safety of all responding personnel, safety is everyone's responsibility. So yes, it is for you to ask, questions to ask, risk a lot save a lot, risk nothing to save nothing. But to do and die is unacceptable, once the plan is layed out, there should be a back-up plan, the incident safety officer should be watching this situation very closely, and he/she should pull the plug on any actions that are unsafe. Humans are the only mammal that knows it's eventually going to die. I have never met one that has ever said, "it sounds good to me"!
Comment by Paul Montpetit on March 31, 2009 at 4:25pm
Someone needs to take "English as a Second Language".......Paul
Comment by Robert on March 31, 2009 at 3:58pm
Uh yeah I am not sure exactly what that means. It sounds somewhat familiar. But twisted.
Comment by Scott on March 31, 2009 at 12:31pm
OK.............. I know my grasp of proper English writing is not the best but.......
Is there a question hidden here somewhere?
Or was someone a little hung over while on firefighter nation last night.
Comment by Paul Young on March 30, 2009 at 11:03pm
Thats by me.....

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