If anyone has had a rough time in the Volunteer Fire Service it has been me. I've done everything in my short time being a fireman from starting off being completely ignored as a new, younger generation jr. fireman and no one would teach me anything, to almost being arrested for things I didn't do, to sitting on the opposite side sitting at a police station after a member went down for something big. And now, I'm one of the leading fireman in my company, with thousands of hours of research, theory, discussion, and training under my belt (I'm abit of a training freak) And many more fire's then many my age. Once a month I switch between loving my company to absolutely hating them with such passion I wan't to leave. 

Paid fire departments have allot of drama, They have unions, pay scales, fights with their government, and things we don't see from the outside. But from my experience  the volunteer fire service is a whole different animal, and here's the problem were having...

We have a small group of older generation fireman, the days of the long coats and 3/4 length boots... Lets say 40% of the group is made up of these men. Very good firemen, no issues with these guys (go figure). Its the younger generation we are having issues with. We have everything from Military Personell to truck drivers, each with a skill set. As one of these younger generation fireman, I find myself very far behind. Inexperienced  unknowledgeable, and needing to catch up. I do more research, theory and work for this fire company then you could ever expect out of a guy my age. What I'm seeing in everyone else is scaring me. I see the guys who think their already a good fireman, and need no training, I see the guys who slack and slack by not training and not coming to events, showing up randomly for a working fire (rare around here) and expecting to be trusted and used by the team of active members who are like brothers. 

I suppose what I'm asking is for your own story's, your own advice, or maybe similar situations. It cannot be just my company having abit of trouble's. I can say though, when it comes down to it, were a great bunch of guys that can get it done and for the most part, very very well.

Thanks guys


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