
Last fall I wrote about doing the right thing by getting involved in an organization of firefighters known as Hancock Hope, formed for the sole purpose of helping other firefighters and fire departments in need.

I talked about the struggles of a very rural volunteer fire department in Oneida, Kentucky and of the goodwill of the Newstead NY Volunteer Fire Company who donated a used fire engine to them. It was a team effort with a lot of help of some more good folks from the First Baptist Church in Vandalia, Ohio.

That donated 1986 fire engine has served them well for the past six months. One of the church members, Michael Whitby – a young, energetic EMT himself; took it upon himself to do the right thing again and nominated Oneida FD in a contest to win a brand new fire engine from E-One Fire Apparatus. Michael made a compelling argument as to why this small, impoverished fire company - so much that E-One has chosen Oneida as one of seven finalists.

Here’s where you come in. To move Oneida from the “Final Seven” to the winners circle requires that you – and everyone you know – act now and go to E-One’s web site to vote for Oneida’s story as the best story.

To vote for Oneida’s story, click: (NOTE: I had to put my browser in full screen mode to see the vote button at the bottom of the page.)

IMPORTANT: To confirm your vote, you must reply to an e-mail that E-One will send you after you’ve cast your ballot.

Voting ends at 1:00 p.m. on April 24th and the winner will be announced at 3:00 p.m. on the FDIC show floor in E-ONE’s booth - #9104 Lucas Oil Stadium.

I’ll be there. Michael Whitby will be there. The folks from Oneida will be there. I hope you will be there for them then, and now by casting your vote.

It doesn’t cost you anything but a few moments of your time. Your vote could mean a world of difference to a small fire department with a big heart. Now it’s your turn to “Do the Right Thing.”

Read the Original Article: Do the Right Thing.

Visit Hancock Hope at:
Visit Newstead Fire Co. at:
Visit First Baptist Church at:

Views: 271

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Comment by Jake Fireman on April 21, 2009 at 11:14am
you got it
Comment by Jake Fireman on April 21, 2009 at 11:14am
you got it
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 21, 2009 at 11:04am
I'm sorry.
I guess I was suppose to tell you that I voted.
I did; some time ago.
However; I'll send out a blast to catch any stragglers.
Comment by John Schander on April 15, 2009 at 3:10pm
Tiger, I just voted for them.
Comment by Jake Fireman on April 13, 2009 at 12:04pm
Got my vote!
Comment by Captain Kevin C. Ross on April 13, 2009 at 11:18am
Hi Tiger & the Brothers & Sisters of The Oneida Fire Dept I voted yesterday & I am telling everyone else about your attempt to get your new truck. Good Luck!!! Captain Kevin C. Ross Pembroke NY Fire Department
Comment by Joe Stoltz on April 12, 2009 at 8:16pm
Kimberly Bownas: Uh oh Joe
Joe Stoltz: what?
Kimberly Bownas: \you are going to be in trouble with Mel....
Kimberly Bownas: You didn't vote
Joe Stoltz: why?
Joe Stoltz: where?
Joe Stoltz: when?
Ted Bownas: Tiger's blog
Kimberly Bownas:
Joe Stoltz: oh, they are publishing the voters?
Kimberly Bownas: We all left a comment on the blog that we voted
Kimberly Bownas: I didn't see yours
Joe Stoltz: I didn't leave one... I didn't vote
Joe Stoltz: yet
Kimberly Bownas: you better soon... before Mel notices that you didn't
Joe Stoltz: all RIGHT... G** d*** it
Joe Stoltz: done
Kimberly Bownas: good for you
Ted Bownas: Peer's a fearsome thing..
Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on April 12, 2009 at 10:05am
I voted too.... :oD
Comment by Jim Seargent on April 12, 2009 at 9:37am
I voted................MEL scared me.
Comment by Dave, NB 9 on April 11, 2009 at 11:26pm
I voted before I got this reminder........ :)

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