My dad was a firefighter. He'd go to work everyday and say wish me luck. Then he wouldn't come home til sometime the next day, but the thing that bothered me the most is when people would say a firefighters job is easy. He eats, sleeps, and plays, and sometimes won't fight a fire for days. When I first heard these words I was too young to understand but I knew when people were in trouble my dad was there to lend a hand. Then my father went to work one day and kissed us all goodbye. Later that day my brother James and I got to hang out at the station like we occasionally did. I remember James and I were watching The Simpsons when our dad had to leave for a call. My father lost his life that night due to a flashover. I sat there wondering why he would give his life for someone he did not know, but now I truly realize the greatest gift a man can give is to lay his life upon the line so that someone else may live. This also goes for my brother James of The United States Marine Corp. and my cousin Charles of The United States Air Force who layed down their lives as well overseas. FF Cossey 1965-1998. James Cossey 1984-2004. Charles Skellinger 1986-2008.

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