Making It Easier on ThemCustomer service in the fire & building code worldBy Jim CrawfordIn fire prevention, we’re rarely perceived as a “service” department. Enforcing the fire code means acting as a regulator—how can any of our customers be happy about that? “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you” is a phrase that’s funny for good reason. Frequently, a visit from a fire inspector is going to cost businesses money--sometimes serious money.
How then do we provide businesses with good customer service? One solid way is to provide them with clear advice and direction that makes it easier for them to comply with code. I can imagine the frustration of a business owner who’s directed to bring their operation into compliance but left completely to their own devices to figure out how.

Rockville’s Residential Sprinkler Design Guide includes an amazing level of detail, complete with a diagram of where the office is located. Image courtesy Keith Heckler
Going Back to RockvilleAt a recent NFPA meeting, I came across an example of how fire prevention personnel can improve service to their customers.
I met City of Rockville (Md.) Fire Protection Engineer Keith Heckler, who showed me the work his department has done on design specifications for a variety of fire protection systems. I was very impressed with what I saw.
In particular, the department’s Residential Sprinkler Design Guide is very complete, going into detail that NFPA 13D does not. In fact, there’s no way that a national document could encompass the detail found in Rockville’s guide, because much of the information is tailored to the Rockville area. I was blown away by the level of detail, including many of Keith’s specialties: photos.
Looking for necessary submittal requirements (to obtain a permit)? They’re in the document. Looking for information on sprinkler head placement? It’s in there—with a photo to show exactly what you need. Directions for obtaining the required inspections that accompany the permitting process are included as well.
What really blew me away: The guide includes a photo of the desk where people go to get permits and a diagram showing where the office is located. This is all preceded by a map to City Hall.
When I was a fire marshal, I always wished we had time to provide this level of support to our customers. It’s always a matter of juggling your time between doing the work, and preparing to do it well. A friend of mine liked to say, “No matter how many times I cut this piece of wood, it’s still too short.” The point: Taking the time to measure things out properly, and to plan for how the job will be done, can save time, money and stress down the road.
A Final WordI realize that not everyone will be able to provide this level of service; at the same time, I’m confident there are many other examples of innovative ways prevention personnel help their customers. I applaud Rockville for their efforts and the example they provide for many of us!
For more information, contact Keith at or visit Rockville’s website at
Jim Crawford recently retired as deputy chief and fire marshal with the Vancouver (Wash.) Fire Department and is chair of the NFPA technical committee on professional qualifications for fire marshals. He has written “Fire Prevention: A Comprehensive Approach,” published by Brady, and has also written a chapter on fire prevention in “Managing Fire and Rescue Services,” published by the International City/County Managers Association. Crawford is a past president of the International Fire Marshals Association and has served on the NFPA’s Standards Council. He is a member of the IAFC.
Rockville’s Residential Sprinkler Design Guide includes “decision tree” tools that walk business owners through the steps required to meet various codes. Image courtesy Keith Heckler
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