After two years here, I'm impressed. I've seen youngsters get advice on their future, ignorant questions get properly rebuked, old dogs discussing the way it was and the way it should be, training advice I never considered, and many others. But the one thing that always impresses me is when someone has a bad day. Whether its a really bad call, someone going through rough times, sickness of a friend, or just self doubt, this community comes together. The members bring their experience and compassion out in full force to help a brother or sister through rough times. Yes, we're tough on newbies, we pick on the old dogs, we razz each other to no end, but never do we leave a hurt member behind. THey feel safe enough to post their worst days here, and ask for help, and they get it. They recieve heartfelt compassion, empathy, words of wisdom, prayers, advice from others about things they've had to experience on their absolute worst days, and offers of help from all over. After all the stupidity, the greed, the political horsecrap I've seen throughout the fire service, it makes me proud that the members here put it all aside to help another every time. This is what the fire service should be all about, and it never fails to give me a sense of pride that I'm allowed to be apart of it. For that, I thank all of you

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Comment by Tandy Young on November 21, 2010 at 3:07pm
Well said brother, well said
Comment by Brian Mackie on November 14, 2010 at 9:38am
Very good Jason! Very well written.. good to see others see the same thing I do from time to time.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on November 13, 2010 at 5:19pm
You referred to "members" or "someone"...this isn't quite is "Brothers" or "Sisters"...goes with the "I go where He goes" attitude....We NEVER leave a Brother alone....even if the ultimate sacrifice is made...we stand with Him until He is placed lovingly in His final resting place...How many of you have thought of this when standing as part of the"Honor Guard" at a funeral....?

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