I am a cadet for a Missouri fire department. I spend almost every weekend I can there running calls and just Being around the fire house hanging with the guys. However it can get pretty boring when there are no calls going on, training, or the usual firehouse pranks. I would like to get more involved in training but I am not sure on ideas to train on, and I know this sounds stupid because there are countless things even basics to cover. So I am asking you guys if you have any ideas that I could do to get other firefighters and my fellow cadets more involved in training please let me know. This could be daily training, Drills, or just a class room training anything at all! Thank you

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Comment by Karl Grath on September 17, 2014 at 3:44pm

I personally like to split my free time up between mind and body. So, I'll watch fire training DVD's and then reenact the drills myself, usually with my gear so I can get used to it. Other than that, I keep myself occupied with cheap fire service workbooks that keep my problem-solving skills and basic equipment knowledge on-point.

Comment by smalltownfirefighter728 on February 9, 2009 at 2:13am
I think everyone has covered pretty much all the ideas..What really helped me was starting out with my gear and "mustering" fully packed out breathing air. I got to the point were I was racing my Captain and winning. But like they said just know the trucks, every function. Talk to your senior firefighters and see what they think would be a good idea to train on. And if all else fails talk to your companies TO
Comment by Marc on February 8, 2009 at 1:15am
-Rope Systems
-Fill a dumpster with wood, light it all on fire and put it out
-Confined space rescue
Comment by Chris C. on February 7, 2009 at 9:23pm

Comment by Zach Downs on February 7, 2009 at 9:09pm
That does kinda suck. Dangers well when you enter this career path you face the fact there are dangers, you can get hurt, burned, or giver your life and thats something we all realize!! Its our job to put ourselfs into those situations and we dont think twice, but we all realize the dangers and you just have to face them and do your job. Everyone watches eachothers backs and as long as you do things the way they are to be done and follow protocols and pay attention to what is going on most of the time you be fine. However accidents do happen and thats just part of the job. Keep in touch or feel free to comment back, stay safe out there! :)
Comment by Ashley on February 7, 2009 at 7:19pm
oh, cuz i'm not really a junior ; i'm a active 'probationary' member but we can't go on any calls [only wires down, and field fires] unless we have fire school, then we could go out on anything. the only thing we can do now is show up at the firehouse to get points.

I do agree that going out in the field is the only way to learn more. but, in some cases what about the dangers ? oh well, being a member on this site I guess it's different everywhere.
anyway, Stay safe. (:
Comment by Joey "BigShow" De Piano on February 7, 2009 at 1:12pm
Good for you ..keep it up and your right the only way your going to havea handle on this is to be there and do it..as far as training and drills do it all till you can do it in your sleep..when you have down time take some rope and watch a dvd and just tie knots over and over....till its like buttering bread...make a course of a interior home using tables on their sides and crawl through halfway through have some one change it up and find a way out if you can't then practice your mayday training ..go through your stations dvs on everything..roof work..everyone goes home fast teams..hose ops truck ops..practice ladders on a decent day.. another good one is one gut strip 2 compartments another guy restocks them as they were ..you wil learn where every single thing is on the rigs.
Comment by Zach Downs on February 6, 2009 at 10:55pm
Thanks for the kind words!! I have been around the fire service since I could remember with my dad being a firefighter and now a paramedic. I the trucks like the back of my hand, but we do quiz eachother everyonce and awhile. Iam allowed to go on calls and pretty much do everything that a non certifeid firefighter does lik backboard victims, lay hose, catch a hydrant on some occucasions, ect... Thats is right thats what I love about the fire service no matter what there is always something going on.. one minute you are all joking watching a movie ect then the next those tones go off, you get geared up and get on the truck going to a emergency that you have no clue what is truly going on untill you get there. Thanks for the ideas, I will take the testing ideas into consideration, I know one test they have you do for firefighter 1 and 2 is you must put on your gear and pack up within 2 minutes. Again thank you!!! stay safe out there!
Comment by flash_fire007 on February 6, 2009 at 10:35pm
First of all I want to say WELCOME to the brotherhood... You have made a right choice in career fields. I too started out as a JR FF and now I have 24yrs under my belt 18 paid, 2 part time, 4 volunteer... Anyway also as a Certified Instructor my tip to you not knowing your dept's SOP/SOG's is learn the basics, Like the trucks, whats in every compartment and how does each thing in there work? How does the truck operate, start/stop/pump/ladder etc... Once you learn basics like this then the other guys will take notice and be willing to teach you more... On scene's watch what everyone does, find one person one day and ask them if you can be their shadow for the day, when they do things ask questions (AFTER the call) Why/what/how??
The next day find someone different and do the same thing... And yes there are days where sitting around the station happens, and yes it can be boring, pick up a book and study. I'm sure to move up or to get certified you have to take some kind of test I would think... Look in the IFSTA Manuals there are tons of Skills sheets and test you can practice for live excersices... I don't know about your State, But Texas does lots of skills test its all timed and must be to the letter in sequence if one step is missed you FAIL... So anyway hope some of this helps... And in the Fire Service we NEVER say its boring or QUIET... There is always something to do somewhere and somehow...
Comment by Zach Downs on February 6, 2009 at 7:40pm
In answer to your question yes we are allowed to go on calls. Fires, MVCs, HAZMAT, Rescues, Medicals ect.. I am at the station actually right now. We can spend the night and pretty do everything that a non certifeid firefighter does. Personally I think the only way to learn is to get out in the field and deal with real life situations!! and I have learn alot doing that

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