Our administration and our county council is trying to bust up our dept. and contract it out to the surrounding depts. This means Jobs will be lost and a dept destroyed. If anyone has any info that can help or has heard of this being done to another dept. anything would be helpful Thanks in advance.
The dept is a combination of career and volunteer but mostly career firefighters. There a just over 200 union members. The council just hates us so much that they want to get rid of us. We have filed and won so many ULP's against them i have lost count. Our Fire Chief wont even stand up for us its ridiculos.
Comment by Kevin Burks on April 18, 2009 at 6:57pm
The department is Volunteer right? Does the county pay the departments bills? Does the department have its own charter? Was the current Admin. voted in or were the appointed? We had some of the same problems but the county wasnt trying to shut us down. The Admin. that was in office at the time were not doing there job so we just tossed them out of the department . We reorginized and elected new officers and new board members. And we havent looked back since. The county doesnt pay our bills and neither does the city . Neither one can tell us how to run our orginization . We have two board members that are NOT on the department. They give us input from someone outside of the department. We have had our ups and downs and let me tell ya it aint easy. Ya'll have got a battle on your hands and i wish you the best of luck.
Brother, i wish you the best in keeping it together. If there is a way to get the council to sign that contract, get it done. I have seen or should i say i have heard it happen to a couple other departments, but all they do is shut them down and reopen them in another name.
Sorry i have no pointers, but i do wish you guys the best.
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